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اهم قواعد اللغة الانجليزية هام للسنة الثانية ثانوي

  • بواسطة
اهم قواعد اللغة الانجليزية هام للسنة الثانية ثانوي
اهم قواعد اللغة الانجليزية

موقع الصفة :
معظم الصفات فى اللغة الانجليزية يمكن ان تأتى فى الجملة إما قبل اسم او بعد فعل
مثال ذلك:
She lives in a beautiful house
Her house is beautiful
ولكن هناك بعض الصفات تكون مختلفة عن ذلك و يمكن ان تستخدم فقط فى مكان واحد .
مثال ذلك:
main, single تستخدم فقط قبل اسم

يمكننا ان نقول :
There was a single tree in the middle of the garden.
The main reason I came home was to see my parents.
كلمة asleep ، unwell تستخدم فقط بعد فعل

يمكننا ان نقول :
Is he unwell?
No, he’s asleep.
و هناك بعض الصفات و خاصة تلك التى تستخدم فى صيغ القياسات تأتى دائما بعد اسم .
يمكننا ان نقول:
The hole is three meters deep.
The cupboard i. s two feet high and four feet wide
More and most, -er and –est
صيغ المقارنة و التميز للصفات و الاحوال و التى تستخدم لبيان زيادة فى الجودة، الكمية، الدرجة يتم تكوينها بثلاثة طرق:
بإضافة –er و -est لنهاية الكلمة ، و مثال على ذلك:
Peter, David, and Stephen are all tall.
Peter is taller than David.
Peter is taller than both David and Peter.
Stephen is the tallest of the three.
بإضافة more و most قبل الكلمة ، و مثال على ذلك:
All of these rings are expensive.
The Gold ring is more expensive than the silver ring.
The diamond ring is more expensive than both the silver ring and the gold ring.
The diamond ring is the most expensive.
باستخدام كلمات مختلفة ، و مثال على ذلك:
All of the girls’ work is good.
Mary’s work is better than Anne’s.
Mary’s work is better than both Ann’s and Mary’s.
Jane’s work is the best.
و هناك كلمات اخرى مثل هذه الكلمات مثل bad ، far، well، badly، little (حال).
لاحظ ان بعض الكلمات مثل foreign و main ليس لها صيغ مقارنة او تميز. و بناء على ذلك فإن هذه الكلمات لا يمكن استخدامها لبيان الزيادة فى الجودة ، الكمية او الدرجة.

أدوات العطـف CONJUNCTIONS

(هى الكلمات او العبارات مثل so, because, but, and و التى تقوم بربط اثنين او اكثر من الاسماء، الافعال ، الصفات او اجزاء الجمل)

طرق مختلفة لقول and

هناك كلمات كثيرة و عبارات فى اللغة الانجليزية و التى يمكن استخدامها مثل and لربط فكرتين او اكثر فى جملة. و هذه الافكار عادة تكون متشابهة فى المعنى و لذلك فبدلا من ان نقول دائما:
When we went to town we visited the zoo and the museum.
Peter and Paul came to the party
يمكننا ان نقول بدلا من ذلك:
We went to the zoo. We visited the museum as well. Paul came to the party. Peter came as
We went to the zoo. We went to the museum too. Paul came to the party. Peter came
We went to the museum as well as the zoo. Peter came to the party with us as well
as Paul.
Paul came to the party. So did peter.
We went to the zoo. We also visited the museum. Peter and also Paul came with us to
the party
Not only did we go to the zoo; we also went to the museum. Not only Peter but also Paul came with
us to the party.
Besides going to the zoo, we went to the museum. A lot of people came to the party
besides Peter and Paul.
In addition to visiting the zoo, we went to the museum. A number of people came to the party
in addition to Peter and Paul.

طرق مختلفة لقول because

هناك كلمات كثيرة و عبارات مثل because و التى يمكن استخدامها لربط فكرتين او اكثر فى جملة. هذه الكلمات و العبارات جميعها اجابة للسؤال why ؟
بعض هذه الكلمات والعبارات تبين غرض شئ ما بعض هذه الكلمات والعبارات تبين السبب لشئ ما
She was late for school becouse she He only said it to annoy me.
Missed the bus
She was late becouse of missing the bus. He said it in order to annoy me.
Since / As he has no money he can’t buy I had a big breakfast so (that) I wouldn’t
A bicycle. Be hungry later on.
We stayed inside on account of the rain I had a big breakfast so as not to be hungry later on.
His failure was due to his lack of work. I went to live in the town in order that I
He faild owing to his lack of work . might get a jop
We lost the game through poor play.
The dog died from eating poison.
He kicked the door out of bad temper.

-انظر ايضا due to

طرق مختلفة لقول but
هناك كلمات كثيرة و عبارات مثل but و التى يمكن استخدامها لربط فكرتين او اكثر فى جملة و هذه الكلمات غالبا تربط بين افكار مختلفة او تبين ان الاشياء المختلفة ربما تكون متفقة . و هى تقوم بربط الافعال و الاسماء و الصفات و الجمل باشكال مختلفة.
و لذلك يمكننا ان نقول:
My room is small but comfortable. (=because my room is small you might not expect it to be comfortable, but it is)

She drove very fast to the airport, but she missed the plane. (=because she drove very fast you might have expected her to get there in time, but she didn’t)

يمكننا ان نعبر عن هذا المعنى بطرق اخرى مختلفة:

باستخدام although ، (even) though، مع فعلين ، مثل هذا:

Although my room is small it is comfortable. Although she drove very fast to the
airport she missed the plane.
My room is very comfortable even though it is small. She missed the plane even though she
drove very fast to the airport.
باستخدام inspite of و despite ، مع الاسماء ، مثل هذا:

My room is very comfortable, in spite of / despite its small size. She missed the plane, in spite of / despite driving very fast to the airport.
باستخدام howeverو even so ، مع جملتين ، مثل هذا:
My room is small. It’s very comfortable, however / even so. She drove very fast to the airport. However / Even so she missed the plane.
باستخدام although و yet ، مع صفتين ، مثل هذا :

My room is very comfortable, although small.
My room is small, yet very comfortable.

و باستخدام بعض هذه الكلمات و التعبيرات يمكنك تغيير ترتيب الكلمات فى الجملة:

Even though my room is small it’s very comfortable.
In spite of / Despite driving very fast to the airport, she missed the plane.

و هناك كلمات اخرى يمكن استخدامها مثل: nevertheless و nonetheless و still

طرق مختلفة لقول so :

الكلمات و التعبيرات مثل so تستخدم لبيان ما يحدث كنتيجة لشئ ما.
I was feeling ill so I went to bed. (= because I was feeling ill I went to bed.)
I was feeling ill. That’s why I went to bed.

و تعتبر so و that’s why اقل قيمة من حيث الاستخدام الرسمى لبيان نتيجة شئ ما. و هناك طرق اخرى اكثر رسمية لبيان نفس المعنى و هى:

Jane got the highest marks in the exam. She was therefore chosen to go to college.
We do not have enough money. Therefore / Thus we cannot bye a new car.
I’ve never been to China. Consequently / Hence I know very little about it.
He was asked to leave the meeting and accordingly he went.
الافعال المساعدة MODAL VERBS
can, may, should, etc.

الافعال التى سيلى ذكرها فيما بعد جميعها افعال مساعدة و هى تستخدم كأفعال مساعدة مع فعل اخر لتغيير معناه بطريقة معينة و القائمة التالية تخبرك ماذا تعنى هذه الافعال و كيف تستخدمهم.

. .

القدرة she can speak French
I Could swim when I was five
I was able to lift the box.
. .

الإستئذان Can we go home now, please? Can حاليا الكلمة الاكثر شيوعا هى
Could I turn the radio down ? الأكثر أدبا عند الإستئذان
You may come in now. might ,may,could
Might I open the window ?
. .

الطلب can you close the door, please ? can اكثر ادبا من could
وتقديم الإقتراحات could you help me please ? I,we عادة تستخدم مع shall
shall we go to the cinema ?
. .

ضرورى I must go now – it’s late.
Do you have to / have you get to go ?
I had to leave early Yesterday .
Need I go
What am I to do ?
. .

ليس ضرورى I didn’t need to / needn’t have needn’t have /
put on my thick coat. didn’t need to
You needn’t arrive until 10:30 تعنى أنه لم يكن من الضرورى
ان ألبس المعطف ولكنى قمت
. .
صواب او خطأ You should / ought to be should/ ought to
ashamed of yourself. تستخدم للأفعال التى
I shouldn’t have / Oughtn’t يعتقد أنها جيدة أو صائبه
to have said that. must / have to
للأفعال الضرورية
Shouldn’t / ought to
تستخدم للافعال التى يعتقد انها
رديئة او خطأ.
للتصرفات الغير ضرورية
. .

الاوامر you mustn’t tell anyone .
You must keep it secret.
You are not to go. You are
To stay here
. .
بالتأكيد / ليس You must be tired . you must , هى عكس can’t,
بالتأكيد can’t be tired. Can’t have فى هذا المعنى
They must have gone
Home. They can’t have
Gone home.
. .
المستقبل It will rain tomorrow. عادة تستخدم
we shall be away next I,we فقط مع Shall
week. will واصبحت اكثر شيوعا من
. .
ربما It may / might snow tomorrow تجعل شئ يبدو might
may اقل من لو إستخدمت
. .
الماضى We used to work in the same would يمكن فقط أن تستخدم
Office. لتصف فعل متكرر
We would often go to the
cinema together .
. .
شجاعة كافية How dare you say that !
I daren’t go there again.
. .

و فيما يلى بعض الطرق لاستخدام هذه الافعال المساعدة فى جمل متنوعة:

. .

With not and n’t In a question Describing what
(Negatives) someone said
(indirect speech)
. .

Can She can’t/ cannot speak French. Can she speak French? She said she could speak French
. .

Could I couldn’t/ could Could you swim He said he could swim not swim when I was five when you were five? when he was five.
. .

May You may not/ May I go to the party? I said you may go.
(mayn’t) go to the party
. .

Might I mightn’t / might not come Might you come He said he might
with us? come.
. .

Shall We shan’t / shall not Shall we They said we
go to the cinema. go to the cinema? should go to the
. .

Must You mustn’t/ must not go. Must you go now? They said they must go.
. .

Have to You don’t/ do not have to go. Do you have They said they had to to /Have you to go? go.
. .

Need You don’t need to/ needn’t/ Do you need to/ Need They said they
need not leave now. you leave now? needed to leave.
. .

Are to You aren’t / are not to stay. Are you to stay here? They said they were to stay.
. .

Should He shouldn’t / should not go. Should he go? They said he should go.
. .

Ought to You oughtn’t/ ought not to go there. Ought you to go there? They said you ought to go.
. .

Will It won’t/ will not rain. Will it rain? They said it would rain.
. .

Used to I didn’t used to/ used not to/ Did you used They said they used to usedn’t to work there. to/Used you to work there.
work there?
. .

Would I wouldn’t / would not Would you go to They said they
go to the cinema. the cinema? would often go to the
. .

Dare I daren’t / dare not go there. Dare you go there? They said they
dared go there all the
. .

مغيرات المعنى MODIFIERS

بعض انواع الحال مثل very , quite, rather .. الخ يمكن استخدامها لتغيير معنى الكلمة ، تعبير او جملة حيث يمكن استخدامها لجعل المعنى اقوى:
It’s very hot today. (= اكثر من حار اليوم)
او يمكن استخدامهم لجعل المعنى اقل قوة:
It’s fairly hot today. (= اقل من حار و لكن بالتأكيد ليس بارداً)

فى الشكل الموجود امامنا ، المعانى لمجموعات الكلمات تزداد قوة كلما تحركنا لاسفل الصفحة:
. .
This book is Fairly Long. (= it is long, but not very long)
(infml) pretty
. .
I enjoyed it Very much.
A lot.
A great deal.

. .
That car is Amazingly Fast. (= it’s faster than expected)
. .
I feel (infml) awfully Tired. (=very, very tired)
(infml) terribly
(infml) dreadfully
. .
I write to her Almost Every day. (=most days, but not every day)
. .
The story is Completely Wrong. (= it is not at all correct)
. .

لاحظ المعنيين المختلفين لـ quite :
The book is quite long. (= not very long)
The story is quite wrong. (= completely wrong)
لاحظ ان الكلمات pretty, rather, quite, fairly يمكن ان يكون لها اختلاف طفيف فى المعانى اعتمادا على باقى الجملة:
It’s fairly warm today. (=دفء يبعث على السعادة )
It’s rather warm today. (=ربما يكون دافئ جدا )


PAIRS OF VERBSازواج الافعال
bring , take

Bring تعنى " التسبب فى الحضور شخصيا الى المكان الذى يتواجد Take تعنى " التسبب فى الذهاب شخصيا الى مكان
به او سوف يتواجد به المتكلم. اخر" We went to her party and took her a present.
They came to may party and brought me
a lovely present. لاحظ ايضا
Send تعنى " التسبب فى الذهاب بدون ذهاب الشخص
Fetch تعنى " الذهاب و الاحضار من مكان آخر والعودة" بنفسه" I can’t go to her party, but I’ll send her a card.
I have to fetch the children from school
at four o’clock.
tell , say
tell, say متشابهين جدا فى المعنى، و لكن يتم استخدامهم بطريقة مختلفة بطريقة مختلفة فى الجمل و نحن عادة say (شئ) ، ولكن tell (شخص) (شئ) . قارن:
I said " Be quiet!" I told you to be quiet!
She said a few words then sat down She told (us) a very funny story.

He said " I’m very tired".
He said (that) he was very tired.
He said (to me) that he was tired. He told me (that) he was very tired.

لاحظ استخدام tell فى العبارات tell the time, tell a truth, tell a story

Lend and borrow

The boy wants to borrow ( يقترض) a pound from The girl.
The girl Lends (تقرض ) a pound to The boy.
If She lends (Also loans عأ) The money to him , it is only a loan (قرض).
He will have to pay back (يرد) (or repay) the money to her.
If he has borrowed the money, and has not has paid it back, he owes (مدين )her the money.

PHRASAL VERBS تعبيرات الافعال

الافعال مثل Look after , give up , put up with تعتبر مهمة لأنها شائعة جدا فى الانجليزية. و غالبا ما تعتبر من الاشياء الصعبة و لكن هذا القاموس جعلها سهلة جدا لتفهمها و ماذا تعنى و كيف تستخدمهم. put up with, look after, give up لا تعنى نفس الشىء مثل look, give, put على سبيل المثال فإن : up شئ give تعنى " التوقف عن امتلاك او عمل شئ ما". و يساعد القاموس على تعلم معنى هذه الافعال ذات الكلمتين او الثلاثة عن طريق و ضعهم تحت الفعل الرئيسى، لكى يسهل الوصول اليهم . لذلك فإنك ستجد ان give up موجودة

تحت مادة give ، بعد شرح معانى الفعل. و هذا يعنى انه بدلا من ان تقول:
I stopped playing football after I left school. يمكنك ان تقول:
I gave up playing football after I left school. و الافعال ذات الكلمتين مثلها مثل الافعال يمكن ان تكون متعدية او لازمة . فعندما تكون متعدية فإن هذا يعنى انها يجب ان تكون متبوعة باسم او عبارة اسمية (مفعول به مباشر). و تتكون الافعال ذات الكلمتين او الثلاثة من فعل و حرف جر، او فعل و حال او كلاهما. و يعنى ذلك ان المفعول به المباشر يمكن احيانا ان يتبع الفعل و احيانا اخرى يتبع حرف الجر او الحال. و لكى تستخدم الافعال ذات الكلمتين و الثلاثة بالطريقة الصحيحة ، فيجب ان نعرف اين يوضع المفعول به كما يلى: look up to ~
و هذا يعنى ان المفعول به يمكن فقط ان يأتى بعد حرف الجر:
He always looked up to his older brother.
مثال: push ~ around و هذا يعنى ان المفعول به يأتى فقط بعد الفعل : That big boy pushes every**** else around.

Don’t push me around !
مثال: make ~ up أو make up ~ و هذا يعنى ان المفعول به يمكن ان يأتى إما بعد الفعل او بعد حال: He made up a story for the children.
He made a story up for the children.

و لكن لاحظ ان الضمير يأتى دائما بعد الفعل He made it up

مثال: acquaint ~ with ~ و هذا يعنى ان الفعل ذو الكلمتين له اثنين مفعول به. المفعول به الاول يتبع الفعل و المفعول به الثانى يأتى بعد حرف الجر.
I acquainted him with the facts.

مثال: put ~ down to ~ و هذا يعنى ان الفعل ذو الثلاثة كلمات له اثنين مفعول به، الاول يتبع الفعل و الثانى يتبع حرف الجر (وليس الحال down)
I put his mistake down to his bad memory.
I put all the trouble down to Jean.
منقول للفائدة

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