صححوا اخطائي ب informal letter

صححوا اخطائي ب informal letter
السلام عليكم
حابه انزل رساله الوحده الاولى وتعطوني ملاحظاتكم عليها وتعدلوا لي اخطائي

I’m so happy to hear from you . We definitely have a lot of interesting school events , but I think the most important one is The National Day . Actually , it’s very special for all Saudis because it’s the day where Saudi Arabia is unified.
On this day , Student wear green and white clothes .Also ,the school decorate in the same colors . The ceremony begins with National anthem. Then the school principal gives a speech. More speeches are given by teachers , as well as students. Then come competitions and songs.
I’m very excited for the next National Day. I’ll participate in event . I’ll be the hero of the play about the history of the kingdom.
Anyway, I hope this will help you in your project .Would you like me to send you some pictures ,too? It would be no problem.
Take care,
وشاكره لكم مقدما

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