12 Dogs Who Totally Look Like Celebrities

12 Dogs Who Totally Look Like Celebrities

These 12 pooches are eerily reminiscent of some of our favourite celebrities. Every dog is the furry doppelgänger to their famous counterpart. From John Travolta, to Cher and many more it is incredible to see the resemblances! 12 Dogs Who Totally Look Like Celebrities – Three Million Dogs

خليجية Sir Richard Branson. Not exactly sure who looks more Like Branson- the dog or him?

خليجية Samuel L. Jackson

John Travolta

Vladimir Putin

Snoop Dogg

Cher and this pup have the same flow

Lady Gaga

خليجية Donald Trump and his doppelgänger rock the same comb-over

خليجية Harrison Ford and this pooch are both equally as charming

Brad Pitt

Ron Perlman

William H. Macy

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