2/6/14Which A-list star has major HEROIN problem?

2/6/14-Naughty But Nice Rob-Which A-list star has major HEROIN problem?

Which A-list star has a major HEROIN problem, and is so concerned that the police will catch him buying the drug following Hoffman’s death that he has rented a studio apartment under a fake **** to meet his dealer.
The married actor with children, has kept his dark secret under wraps for years. But now the signs are becoming obvious. Everyone turned a blind eye because he earns millions of dollars and is famous, but now things have changed. Hoffman’s death has changed everything!
He has a new film opening in the next few weeks!

Blind Item: Which A-list star has major HEROIN problem? | NaughtyButNiceRob

Gary Oldman has RoboCop coming out.

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