30 Adorable Kids Who Had No Idea How Famous They Were About To Become

30 Adorable Kids Who Had No Idea How Famous They Were About To Become

Haven’t seen a lot of these before so thought I’d share. Apologies if this is the wrong section.

1. The Dalai Lama, age 2. [1937]


Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th and current Dalai Lama, was selected as the tulku (student) of the 13th Dalai Lama at age 2, later becoming the Dalai Lama at age 15.

2. George Clooney, 7, would grow up to look exactly like his dad. [1968]


3. Teddy Roosevelt, 18. [1876]


Roosevelt was often ill as a child, suffering from extreme asthma. In his teens, Teddy tried to fight off illness with sport – including bare knuckled boxing and rowing.

4. Barack Obama, 4, riding a tricycle. [1965]


5. Bryan Cranston, 14, with his dog Lady. [1970]


6. Bill Clinton, 12, with his saxophone. [1958]


Clinton was in the chorus of his elementary school and played the tenor saxophone, winning first chair in the state band’s saxophone section. He briefly considered dedicating his life to music.

7. Fidel Castro, 17, playing basketball at High School. [1943]

Castro was born into a rich family, and so the rebellious teen was able to attend a private high school. Although he did not excel academically, he was incredibly promising at sport.

8. Arnold Schwarzenegger, 19, enjoys Oktoberfest in Munich, West Germany. [1967]


9. Muhammad Ali, then Cassius Clay, 12. [1954]


After getting into boxing at an early age, Ali started training for championships at the age of 12. He would go on to win the World Heavyweight Championship 10 years later.

10. The Notorious B.I.G., 6. [1978]


11. John Wayne, 19. [1926]

After losing his football scholarship to USC because of an injury, Wayne started getting small work as extras on movies. This photo is of his very first role, a Yale football player in ‘The Brown of Harvard’

12. Tiger Woods, 14, playing Zelda. [1989]


13. Cher, 13. [1959]


Cher was arrested after ‘borrowing’ her mother’s car.

14. Frank Sinatra, 10, looking as suave as you would expect. [1925]


15. Marilyn Monroe, 19. [1945]


Monroe was working in a wartime factory when a photographer came to take photos of the staff. The camera and photographer loved Marilyn and he helped her get into modeling.

16. Stevie Wonder, 13, messing around with Muhammad Ali, 21. [1963]


17. Robin Williams, 18, as a senior at Redwood High School. [1969]


Williams was voted "Least Likely To Succeed" while at the school. When the school asked him back to speak to students, he refused, saying it was some of the worst times of his life.

18. John Lennon, 17, with his then-girlfriend and future wife Cynthia. [1957]


19. Audrey Hepburn, 13. [1942]


Audrey was born in Belgium but grew up in German-occupied Holland. Following the end of the war, she moved to England and started acting.

20. Paul Newman, 18, having his mugshot taken while joining the navy. [1943]


21. Andre the Giant, 19, during a Paris Fashion Show. [1966]


At age 17, Andre moved to Paris to train in wrestling. While there, he made several appearances at fashion shows.

22. Andy Warhol, 8. [1936]


23. Tommy Lee Jones, 19. [1965]


Tommy was on the football team during his senior year at St. Mark’s School of Texas.

24. Winston Churchill, 14, in his school uniform. [1889]


25. Dwayne Johnson, 15. [1987]


Yes, he was always huge.

26. Ben Stiller, 13, on a trip to New York with his father Jerry. [1978]


27. Kurt Cobain, 19. [1986]
According to Cobain, who claimed to be "gay in spirit" and "probably could be bisexual", he was arrested for spray painting "God is gay" on cars. Though police records suggest his graffiti actually said; "Ain’t got no how watchamacallit"

28. Robert De Niro, 7. [1950]


29. Stephen Hawking, 12. [1954]

Hawking was relatively unaffected by his motor neuron disease as a child, though it got far worse into his teens.

30. Paul McCartney, 8, with his father on a day trip. [1950]


Distractify | 30 Adorable Kids Who Had No Idea How Famous They Were About To Become

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