All Men In North Korea Are Now Required to Get the Same Haircut as Kim Jong Un

All Men In North Korea Are Now Required to Get the Same Haircut as Kim Jong Un


Until now, everyone in North Korea had to choose their haircuts from a list of state-approved styles. But now, all men in the hermit kingdom will be Required to sport the Same hairstyle as supreme leader Kim Jong Un, the BBCreports.

Pyongyang introduced the new law two weeks ago but is now rolling it out across the country. Unfortunately, many North Koreans don’t seem too thrilled about it since it could be rather unflattering for many men. Plus, according to a former Pyongyang resident now living in China, the Kim Jong Un cut is unpopular because it apparently resembles the style of Chinese smugglers. “Until the mid-2000s, we called it the ‘Chinese smuggler haircut,” the source told the Korea Times.

For now, it seems women will still be able to choose one of the several state-approved styles. Though if Kim Jong Un is a Friends fan, maybe he’ll mandate that all women get “The Rachel.” You never know.

North Korea: Men Required to Get Same Haircut as Leader Kim Jong Un – TIME

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