Bill Murray: ‘I do not like people that complain about being famous’

Bill Murray: ‘I do not like people that complain about being famous’


On attending Bill Murray Day at TIFF: “The whole thing gets more complicated as it draws closer, and you feel such dread about it. I’m nervous. All I can think is I feel like the Statue of Liberty covered with maggots. I feel like I am going to be assaulted! Why am I doing this?”

His career: “There’s no real plan. I just do what I like. What agents do is try to package you with other people they got. I don’t really require that. If you have an agent, you get a lot of bad ******s. I could probably make better deals. I could probably make more money.”

He won’t campaign for an Oscar, ever again: “I’ve never done that. I know that’s something Harvey (Weinstein) does — he forces you to do these things. I’m not that way. If you want an award so much, it’s like a virus. It’s an illness.”

On losing in 2024 for Lost in Translation: “Six months later, I realized I had taken the virus. I had been infected. people have this post-Oscar blowback. They start thinking, ‘I can’t do a movie unless it’s Oscar-worthy.’ It just seems people have difficulty making the right choices after that.”

Harvey on Bill’s refusal to campaign: “And neither will we, until something happens, like a Golden Globe or a critic’s award. If that happens, he’ll have to get a restraining order against us. We’ll disregard what he told us.”

[From Variety]

Bill also sat down with Howard Stern last week. Bill talks about the “emotional” Alimooney wedding, his dislike for Seinfeld, his love of In-N-Out burger, and how the late Roger Ebert used to bust his chops. Here are some other topics:

On fame: “I do not like people that complain about being famous, but I say to people, ‘Hey, you want to be rich and famous? Try being rich, and see if that doesn’t cover most of it for you.’ You have a bunch of dough, you can be as kind as you want, and you can be invisible. No one has to know you have a bunch of dough, and you can behave any way you want. You can be a secret kind of person.”

On not finding the love of his life: “Well… I do think about that. I do think about that. I’m not sure when I’m getting done here. I have kids–I have children that I’m responsible for–and I enjoy that very much, and that wouldn’t have happened without women. I don’t think I’m lonely. It would be nice to go to some of these things and have a date, have someone to bring along. And to go play golf in Scotland, that would be fun. But there’s a lot that I’m not doing that I need to do–something like working on yourself, self-development, and becoming more connected to myself. I don’t have a problem connecting with people, my problem is connecting with myself. And if I’m not really committing myself really well to that, it’s sort of better that I don’t have another person. I can’t take on another relationship if I’m not taking care of the things I need to take care of the most. What stops us from looking at ourselves is that we’re kind of ugly if we look really hard; we’re not who we think we are, and we’re not as wonderful as we think we are.”


Cele|bitchy | Bill Murray: ‘I do not like people that complain about being famous’

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