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Targeted therapy for bowel cancer

Doctors said clinical trial patients with end stage bowel cancer typically survived eight months longer than they did with conventional treatment alone.

The drug, cetuximab, was developed for patients with a version of the cell growth gene Ras lacking certain mutations.

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Scientists leading the Crystal trial compared the effects of cetuximab [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] and standard chemotherapy on 367 patients with advanced bowel cancer who had "normal" Ras genes.

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Survival was almost doubled and increased by about 8.2 months for those patients treated with cetuximab, a monoclonal anti**** drug marketed as Erbitux.

The data were published on the website of the American Society for Clinical Oncology ahead of its annual meeting in Chicago at the end of May.

Mark Flannagan, chief executive of the charity Beating Bowel Cancer, said: "When bowel cancer has spread, finding the right treatment for every patient is crucial.

"Knowing the genetic type of a person’s bowel cancer means doctors can choose which treatments will benefit them and be most effective.

"Increasingly with bowel cancer, it’s about targeted therapies to ensure the patient will respond to the treatment.

"We need [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] to get better at matching patients with treatments that will work for them, so that they can spend extra precious time with their loved ones."

Dr Harpreet Wasan, a consultant oncologist at Hammersmith Hospital in London, said "With hundreds of new cases of colorectal [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] cancer diagnosed in the UK each day, today’s news marks an important step in the management of this disease.

[عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا]

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