CDAN April 22nd 2024 – Not In Her Book

CDAN April 22nd 2014 – Not In Her Book

Blind Item #1
This married B list mostly movie actor who has never reached the heights he did with the role that got him his Academy Award win/nomination was out with a woman most definitely not his wife. Apparently she was young enough looking that the waiter asked her for i.d. when she ordered a drink and she did the whole didn’t bring her license with her trick. Our actor let her drink his drink while she sat on his lap though.
Popular Guess: Cuba Gooding, Jr.

Blind Item #2
A 48 hour bender of coke and booze and pot is probably not what this A list reality star from an A list reality show needed in her life. She has always had issues with coke and booze and needs rehab but the show needs her filming to keep the money train rolling. She has been able to cope in the past but her drug use is getting out of hand. I wouldn’t be shocked if someone has photos or video of the 48 hours they are going to sell showing her using.
Popular Guess: Khloé Kardashian

Blind Item #3
This former A list mostly movie actress who was really close to A+ at one point while doing a franchise has slipped to mostly doing indies. Part of the problem is her drinking. She also recently lost her boyfriend who finally threw in the towel after he caught her cheating again following a booze soaked night of partying.
Popular Guess: Kirsten Dunst

Blind Item #4
This former A list entertainer(singer) is pregnant but she is scared of gaining weight so has still been taking Adderall like candy which is how she finally has managed to get and stay skinny. At least she managed to stop drinking which is how she used to get her only caolories.
Popular Guess: Christina Aguilera

Blind Item #5
This A list entertainer(singer) turned part-time reality star is on the outs with his girlfriend. She could handle the constant cheating because he usually does it quietly but he hooked up recently with his ex and that was a little too personal for the girlfriend who is taking a self-imposed break from the A lister.
Popular Guess: Chris Martin, Alexa Chung and Gwyneth Paltrow

Blind Item #6
The main sticking point in repairing any type of relationship between this A list mostly television actor and his former co-star is an apology from our angry actor for using the N word. The co-star was really hurt and the A lister didn’t see what the big deal was about it.
Popular Guess: Alec Baldwin and Tracy Morgan

Blind Item #7
This B- list mostly television actress is going to drop to a C if she doesn’t get some work that doesn’t involve Broadway soon. That long running network comedy she was on will only keep her at B list for so long. Over the weekend she yelled at a pap. Not for taking her photo (which she loves) but because he took it from an angle which she felt didn’t show off all the plastic surgery she recently had to try and get younger roles.
Popular Guess: Kristin Chenoweth

Blind Item #8
This A+ list mostly movie actor came back to his hotel room late last week to find his now off again girlfriend slicing his expensive luggage into strips. Nothing was left except the wheels and ****. Apparently she found out that he shared a video they made a few months ago with some friends.
Popular Guess: Leonardo DiCaprio

Today’s Blind Items – Not In Her Book
I finally got around to skimming through the Book of this former A list mostly television actress who started off as a teen and has kept working right through to her adult years. A long time on a lot of shows. More hits than misses. Our married actress does whatever she can to keep her face in the spotlight and people talking about her. So, I skimmed through her latest offering because I wanted to see if she talked about what made her the most talked about actress in town for a few years. It wasn’t in the book. She left it out. Never fear though, I will tell you now. Our actress was known for a few years as the threesome queen. She was in a transition period between teen roles and adult roles and was experimenting not only with drugs, but also with sex. At some point she became the go to person for couples looking for a third. She was the third in a group that included this still A+ list entertainer("singer"). She was the third in a group that included this B+ list actress who just ended a long run on her second very hit television show. The husband of the B+ list actress probably has no idea how much his wife loved threesomes before they got together and got married. She doesn’t do them any longer.

Our former A lister did have one rule though. It had to be couples. She wasn’t interested in being a third to two guys after a really bad experience with two members of a band that used to be pretty big but then went away like most bands do.
Popular Guess: Melissa Joan Hart, Britney Spears for the A+ list singer, Alyson Hannigan for the B+ list actress, Twiggy Ramirez and Ginger Fish (from Marilyn Manson) for the two guys

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