CDAN April 26th 2024 – 5 Blind Items

CDAN April 26th 2014 – 5 Blind Items

Blind Item #1
This A- list mostly movie actress should probably be B+. She is recently married and a mess. She had a meeting the other morning but stayed out the entire night before drinking with her ex-boyfriend. No, not the A+ lister, but the one before that. They were all over each other at a club the entire night.
Popular Guess: Zoe Saldana

Blind Item #3
This B list mostly television actress left her actor boyfriend at home and spent the night this week with her A- list mostly movie actor co-star. Sex and drinking all night long. The A- lister said he needed the break from what he has been going through lately.
Popular Guesses: Emma Roberts and James Franco, Rose Byrne and Zac Efron

Blind Item #4
This A list mostly movie actress got violent with her boyfriend when he cut her off from the coke the other night. She did a couple of lines and he wanted her to stop and she started screaming at him in a club. He just rode the storm out and 20 minutes later she was apologizing and telling him they should get married.
Popular Guesses: Jennifer Lawrence, Emma Stone

Blind Item #5
This A list reality star from an A list reality show is so messed up on drugs right now that she only gets out of bed for her daily pap photos. She is a mess. Like world class.
Popular Guess: Khloé Kardashian

Blind Item #6
Probably my favorite Blind item of the week. This A list talk show host/married pain in the butt who cheats constantly got shot down by this A list reality star from a very hit cable reality show. He made his usual bonehead moves which work for D listers and she humiliated him and called him a pig. It was pretty amazing.
Popular Guesses: Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel…l/blind%20item

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