CDAN August 02nd 2024 – 3 Blind Items

CDAN August 02nd 2014 – 3 Blind Items

Blind Item #1
This A list mostly television actress is only A list because she is the lead on a show. You kind of have to be if you are the star even if the show doesn’t attract may viewers. She is having a baby but is it with her boyfriend or the executive she hooks up with on a regular basis.
Popular Guesses: Rachel Bilson, Mireille Enos

Blind Item #2
This C list actor with almost A list name recognition from an acting family is probably the only guy in his conservative church who attends in full makeup.
Popular Guesses: Stephen Baldwin, Kirk Cameron

Blind Item #3
This B+ list pro athlete with the celebrity offspring girlfriend has had his way with the wives of his competitors, but his girlfriend has also hooked up with some of the competitors too. So, it all kind of evens out in the end.
Popular Guess: Dustin Johnson and Paulina Gretzky

Mr. X Blind Item #1
Crazy Days and Nights: Mr. X Blind Item #1
What A-list actor and Oscar winner/nominee yelled at that reality show family and their camera crew at that overseas party last night that if they feature him on their show he’ll sue the pants off them?

Mr. X Blind Item #2
Crazy Days and Nights: Mr. X Blind Item #2
What permanent A++ diva has a bizarre ritual involving her backup dancers? Once they get to a certain age, they get to live in her house for a few months and call her "mommy". It’s more like a help me-help you situation, but she has never bedded any of the guys surprisingly. Wonder what her ex hubby who she still keeps in touch with thinks?

Crazy Days and Nights: blind item

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