CDAN June 05th 2024 – Kindness

CDAN June 05th 2014 – Kindness

Blind Item #1
This morning talk show host who seems like he does a million things was being very cuddly at dinner with a woman who is not his long time significant other. Very cuddly. Same side of table cuddly.
Popular Guess: Michael Strahan

Blind Item #2
This foreign born forever A list model learned what the rest of us in the US learned long ago. Stay as far away from this C list mostly movie actress. Our model had to have security keep the C lister away from her because the C lister wouldn’t stop pestering the model about taking a photo and then our C lister said she had a fashion line that was coming out and wanted the A list to model for the line. The C lister just kept getting more persistent and crazy and finally security had to be called.
Popular Guess: Kate Moss and Lindsay Lohan

Blind Item #3
This B-/C+ list mostly television actor from a very hit cable show has a very famous actress girlfriend. He also has an anger problem. He confronted a staff member at the front desk at the hotel where he is staying and demanded the return of the pot that had been in his room. The cleaning staff had seen it and called a manager who had disposed of it. The manager was brought out to talk to the actor and the actor only calmed down when the manager suggested they could call the police to sort it all out.
Popular Guess: Evan Peters

Blind Item #4
Apparently neither reality star "author" of the book they are currently selling has actually read their own book. One was asked a question about a portion of the book and was lost for words about what the person was talking about. The person had to show them in the book the pages they were referring too.
Popular Guess: Kendall and Kylie Jenner

Blind Item #5
This B list mostly movie actress from an acting family is struggling to stay sober right now and needs to be at her best so she has been attending five or six AA meetings daily. Her family has offered to pay for a sober coach but she doesn’t want them to draw attention to her so has refused.
Popular Guess: Emma Roberts

Blind Item #6
This B list mostly movie actress had a fight at lunch the other day with her almost A list actor husband because she wants to do Playboy and he is saying no.
Popular Guess: Elsa Pataky and Chris Hemsworth

Blind Item #7
This A list singer might be a newlywed but it hasn’t stopped them from cheating right before the wedding and shortly after. Things never end well for this singer.
Popular Guess: Melissa Etheridge

Blind Item #8
For someone apparently in love, this B list talk show host/sometime actress sure does talk badly a lot about her soon to be husband.
Popular Guess: Jenny McCarthy and Donnie Wahlberg

Blind Item #9
This former Gossip Girl actress is balding and has started wearing hats and hoodies as much as possible to try and hide the missing sections of hair.

Blind Item #10
This A list mostly television actress from a hit Fox show took her first ever topless selfie and sent it to her boyfriend. She was so freaked out that after she sent it she rushed over to his place and made him delete it while she watched.
Popular Guesses: Zooey Deschanel, Lea Michele

Today’s Blind Items – Kindness
This actress is foreign born. Really close to A list. She is a fairly good actress but it barely compares to the clothes she is always wearing. Our actress has had the same housekeeper for years. She has always matched the salary of her housekeeper every year with a bonus *****alent to the housekeeper’s salary, but also paid for all the legal fees to get the relatives of the housekeeper to the States. She found all the relatives jobs and bought a house where they all live. Our actress says she would do the same for her own family and she considers the housekeeper family.
Popular Guesses: Diane Kruger, Helena Bonham Carter

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