CDAN May 04th 2024 – 7 Blind Items

CDAN May 04th 2014 – 7 Blind Items

Blind Item #1
This married A list talk show host was at the White House Correspondent’s Dinner last night but he spent the entire day in a hotel room with his mistress. He made his wife stay back home.
Popular Guesses: Matt Lauer, Joel McHale

Blind Item #2
The real story of the band that just announced a bunch of shows being canceled because of illness is that the second biggest member of the group is a strung out mess who needs rehab. The band just can’t decide whether to wait him out or hire someone to replace him for a while like they did the other night at that big gig that shouldn’t be.
Popular Guess: 30 Seconds to Mars

Blind Item #3
This B+ list mostly television actress from a hit network show almost at its end as a series thinks she is A+ list. She had her people try and get Chanel to dress her for the Emmy Awards in a few months but Lagerfeld doesn’t like her look at all. Her people haven’t been able to figure out a way to tell her. I will tell her for you when I reveal it.
Popular Guess: Lea Michele

Blind Item #4
Why yes, that was this former A list celebrity doing line after line of coke Friday night in Kentucky until about two hours before her call time. Why yes, an entire bottle of Visene was used on her eyes.
Popular Guess: Tara Lipinski

Blind Item #5
This former B list reality star from several reality shows before moving into other projects and then back to television now thinks she would be a great actress. She is pitching a ****** ****d on her life and she wants to star in it. There have not been any takers so she wants her boyfriend to finance it.
Popular Guess: Bethenny Frankel

Blind Item #6
This A list mostly television actor who is amazingly cool and funny and has a huge franchise spent several hours this week getting a little lipo on his moobs.
Popular Guesses: Eric Stonestreet, Nathan Fillion

Blind Item #7
This Academy Award winning actor who has done practically nothing since he won except be a pain was hitting on underage women at a bar even after they told him they used fake id’s to get inside and were 16 and 17 respectively. He kept wanting to buy them drinks and take them home.
Popular Guesses: Cuba Gooding, Jr., Adrien Brody

Crazy Days and Nights: blind item

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