CDAN October 12th 2024 – 10 Blind Items

CDAN October 12th 2014 – 10 Blind Items

Blind Item #1
The crazy thing is that this former A list singer turned reality star turned celeb with A list name recognition was having to pay by the hour to take her young male friend out for his 21st birthday.
Popular Guess: Paula Abdul

Blind Item #2
This married performer turned A+list mostly television actor turned permanent A list celebrity has been inviting this A list mogul to every event he can think of because his wife wants a job with the mogul’s company even though she has no experience.
Popular Guess: Jerry Seinfeld

Blind Item #3
This A list celebrity couple spent their first time together in almost a month to do something special with their kid(s) together. Considering how much the couple does not like each other and that they are living in separate buildings at their home, it was nice to see them do something for the kid(s).
Popular Guesses: Fergie and Josh Duhamel, Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas

Blind Item #4
This B list mostly movie actress with A+list name recognition who is locked in place in that position and has been in this spot frequently as of late introduced her still married boyfriend to her kid(s) for the first time. It was the first time he spent the night. Of course he had to fly out of town to do it.
Popular Guess: Katie Holmes

Blind Item #5- Easier Than Lindsay Lohan Stealing An Unattended Fur
This family does not have as much money as people would think and with this newly married D lister still trying to make it as an actor without ever auditioning for anything mind you, the A list sister-in-law has given him a job with a paycheck where he doesn’t have to do anything and given her sister a raise for not doing much of anything either.
Popular Guess: Jessica Simpson and Evan Ross

Blind Item #6
This former A list mostly television actress who is a take anything I can get actress now with still A list name recognition told all her friends she was pregnant. She thought she was and started eating and eating and eating and when she discovered she wasn’t, kept eating. Now she thinks she can get a weight loss company to give her a gig so keeps eating.
Popular Guess: Mischa Barton

Blind Item #7
When the cameras are not rolling, this B list reality star from an A list reality show is drinking again and still hooking up with as many blondes as possible which his significant other probably doesn’t appreciate.
Popular Guess: Scott Disick

Blind Item #8
This former B list mostly television actress had to promise publicity and a magazine photo spread to get any non-employees to show up at a recent party she threw.
Popular Guess: Blake Lively

Blind Item #9
This foreign born for the briefest of flickers instant A list mostly movie actress who is now mostly reality and living off the money of past relationships almost was killed recently when she was passed out drunk in a restaurant parking lot and a driver almost backed over her before someone spotted the **** and stopped the driver.
Popular Guess: Brigitte Nielsen

Blind Item #10
You would think that she would just split with him, but even though he had to sell the engagement and wedding ring set he bought, she still sticks with him and also hands over most of the money she earns as a former B list reality star from multiple shows who used to have A list name recognition turned professional red carpet poser.
Popular Guess: Holly Madison

Crazy Days and Nights: blind item

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