CDAN October 18th 2024 – 9 Blind Items

CDAN October 18th 2014 – 9 Blind Items

Blind Item #1
Everything was going great at dinner between this long time celebrity couple. The couple consists of a former A list mostly movie actor who was on a hit network television show and has been working non-stop for decades. His wife is an actress too and has had almost as much success. When our actor started drinking though, things got crazy and when he took his shirt off at dinner things went awful. The attempts at hugging all the women as he left just kind of put things over the edge, but the wife was patient. No yelling.
Popular Guesses: Danny DeVito and Rhea Perlman, Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick

Blind Item #2
At an event the other day, this A list male model/part-time reality star/sometime actor would not stop hitting on this female A list model who also happens to be besties with someone A+. When she asked him about his girlfriend, he said they have an understanding. The female A list model then held up her cell phone where she had been ****ing his girlfriend and showed him that she didn’t have the same understanding he did.
Popular Guess: Tyson Beckford and Karlie Kloss (Taylor Swift as the A+ list)

Blind Item #3
This foreign born former A+ list mostly movie actor who is now an A and maybe moving down to A- is not thrilled with the latest news about his relationship that has been released. Apparently he was told the whole thing was an accident, but he has his doubts. He split with every other woman that ever wanted this because he doesn’t.
Popular Guess: Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively

Blind Item #4
This aging A- list mostly movie actress is an Academy Award winner/nominee who has A+list name recognition. Despite her age she also has a big problem with bulimia and failed to pass a recent physical and saw her part in a number one movie go to an actress of the same generation.
Popular Guesses: Michelle Pfeiffer, Glenn Close

Blind Item #5
This aging former A list mostly television actor from a hit network show turned A list mostly movie actor turned mostly television actor on another hit network show is married. His wife and everyone knows on the set of his show though that his stylist does no styling and is his long time male lover. Our actor refuses to ever come out of the closet and at this point in his career after hiding for decades, no one really expects him to.
Popular Guesses: Tom Selleck, James Spader, Ted Danson

Blind Item #6
This B list celebrity/singer would probably be C- if not for her A++ list family member. Our B lister was getting in her car to go to an event this week and someone noticed all the bruises and black and blue marks and cuts all over our celebrity’s ****. It looked like a car accident victim. After several minutes of discussion our celebrity changed into something which would cover her from head to toe.
Popular Guess: Solange Knowles

Blind Item #7
This aging former A+ list singer turned bad actress turned singer turned everything shills for a weight loss company but gets lipo every time she has to film a commercial for the company.
Popular Guess: Marie Osmond

Blind Item #8
Smiles out front and daggers behind. This current A list model who does not do runway, wants to be famous for more than modeling and wants her own show. She takes every chance she can to tell producers they should fire this particular talk show host and hire our model instead who says she will get lots more viewers and especially guys to watch. Meanwhile she pretends to be the bff of the talk show host.
Popular Guesses: Amber Rose, Christine Teigen, Kate Upton

Blind Item #9
People don’t seem to be willing to forgive this former cable A list host who is slipping to B because of the hate. A person confronted the host this weekend and the host started yelling at the person. Obviously lesson not learned.
Popular Guess: Paula Deen

Crazy Days and Nights: blind item

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