CDAN September 03rd 2024 – Kindness

CDAN September 03rd 2014 – Kindness

Blind Item #1
If you want to be a production assistant on the television show starring this A list comedian/actor you better be a woman and young and willing to sleep with him. He is not the nice guy that everyone seems to think he is.
Popular Guesess: Jimmy Fallon, Andy Samberg, Louis C.K.

Blind Item #2
Shortly before this B list mostly television actor from a hit cable show got married he had a fling with his B list actress co-star. The actress thought it was serious thing and keeps threatening that she will tell the actor’s now wife about the fling. Apparently the actress went so far as to invite the wife to lunch, but didn’t tell her anything at the lunch.
Popular Guess: Aaron Paul and Krysten Ritter

Blind Item #3
This foreign born A- list mostly movie actor is going through women so fast that he went out to get some coffee and left behind in his bed a woman he picked up the night before and she was still there when he brought back someone he picked up while getting coffee. He then told the first woman to leave and she did and the second woman stayed.
Popular Guesses: Michael Fassbender, Gerard Butler

Blind Item #4
This B list comedienne/sometime actress/television mogul got into a fight and had to be held back from this B+ list mostly movie actress who got her start on television. Apparently the comedienne thinks the actress is ripping off jokes and using them for herself in her own standup.
Popular Guess: Whitney Cummings and someone

Blind Item #5
This B list actress has been in some very nice box office movies and had a great run on a very hit pay cable show. She has trotted out boyfriends for some red carpets but they never seem to show up together off a red carpet. Our actress has a long time girlfriend who lives with her and it is not the actress who wants to stay in the closet, but her girlfriend, who does not want to have her family know so our actress plays along
Popular Guesses: Mary-Louise Parker, Edie Falco

Blind Item #6
The most well protected actress is probably this B+/A- list mostly television actress on a hit network show. She used to be in movies. Her boyfriend says the protection is because of his job and he wants to keep her safe. In reality he is jealous and wants to keep an eye on her and to give him notice if she tries to catch him cheating.
Popular Guesses: Lucy Liu, Zooey Deschanel

Blind Item #7
This openly gay B+/A- list mostly television actor has a blonde wig he loves wearing when he is out at clubs picking up guys. His significant other knows about it because our actor looks ridiculous and everyone knows who he is.
Popular Guess: Matt Bomer

Blind Item #8
Apparently this A- list mostly television actress who will be looking for work soon when her hit show finally ends is not even on speaking terms with her boss after he refused to give her a part on another show he executive produces.
Popular Guess: Lea Michele

Blind Item #9
This B list mostly television actress who does have an Academy Award win met a waiter who is much much younger than our actress. She moved him in to her home and her bedroom where they are frequently joined by his former roommate. The actress says she should have got divorced much earlier in life and had no idea what she was missing.
Popular Guess: Marcia Gay Harden

Blind Item #10
This B list actress from a hit almost television show can’t believe that no one has asked her or confronted her with the fact that she cheated on her long time actor boyfriend with another guy for the final four months they were "together." Don’t worry, her ex has been talking a little, but is just now figuring out the details and then there will be lots of talking.
Popular Guess: Kate Mara

Today’s Blind Items – Kindness
This actress has never been in a blind before. If you are going to be in one, then a Kindness is the way to go and this one is really over the top. The actress is someone you might not be able to put a face with, but she is seemingly a regular on twenty shows. OK, the number is probably closer to three, but to be a regular on that many shows means she works a ton. The shows run the gamut from cable to network and she even has managed to squeeze in a few movies too. Great actress. Some of her family members have served and currently serve in the military and our actress has personally met more troops than most celebrities combined. She has let service members and their families stay in her home when they don’t have enough money to stay in a hotel during brief reunions. She has babysat kids of service members so their parents can have time alone. She donates a great portion of her paychecks to various causes related to wounded veterans and returning veterans and family members who have to stay behind. She has helped raise well over a million dollars for these causes and she is beloved by every military family she meets. I have had three separate families from completely different parts of the country tell me they have met her and they couldn’t believe she was at their **** or helping out and they all love her.
Popular Guess: Judy Greer, Megan Mullally, Allison Janney, Margo Martindale

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