Courtney Love Makes Transphobic Comments About Bruce Jenner?

Courtney Love Makes Transphobic Comments About Bruce Jenner?

Courtney Love has just released a new episode of her *** series #COURTNEYon, and it’s something of a Transphobic rant About Bruce Jenner:

Bruce Jenner. What the hell? He used to be a very masculine man who won the triathlon, and now there’s a– I saw a picture of his nails. They are as long as mine. Something is so up, or not up, with that guy. Maybe he’s taking estrogen. I don’t know. It’s, like, a lot of estrogen. I don’t know what the hell it is.

Watch the full video below, then… discuss.

Courtney Love Makes Transphobic Comments About Bruce Jenner? (VIDEO)Â*|Â*Logan Lynn

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