Courtney Stodden Lands Her Own Reality Show

Courtney Stodden Lands Her Own Reality Show

Courtney Stodden Lands Her Own Reality Show; Dating And Focusing On Her Singing Career Again!


Who’s ready for more Courtney Stodden’s preaching about how she’s an anti-bullying spokesperson and a dresses like a prostitute so others feel embowered?!

The former teen bride has separated from Doug Hutchison, moved out, and is now getting her own solo Show to go with it! “She moved into the studio apartment next door to the house she and Doug rented together. But Doug still lives in the main house,” a source dished to Celebuzz. “They’re not divorced yet, so she’ll stay there until they figure out how they want to proceed with things.”

In the meantime, Courtney is busy revitalizing her "career" – and that includes more music! “She has a development deal with World of Wonder Productions,” says a source and is in the "beginning stages" of creating her own Reality show. “Courtney’s working on multiple on-camera projects, one of which is her own show. And she’s being pitched to networks." WoW Productions is also behind Million Dollar Listing, Tori & Dean: Inn Love and RuPaul’s Drag Race.

The premise of Courtney’s new Show could be her moving on and shedding the teen bride image to become her own woman. Which means dating again! Despite Doug being her neighbor – her heartbroken neighbor – she’s been spotted around town with talent manager David Weintraub. The two hit up Dan Tana’s, a celeb hotspot this week.

It was a blind date – David begged friends to set them up. “It was their first date and it went pretty well. She likes him and he’s been smitten with her, which is why he wanted the set-up. But they were just getting to know each other.” Courtney spent the evening confessing her fame aspirations to him, which include but are not limited to becoming a “less boring Julia Roberts." Errrr…

David asked her out on a second date, so I guess we’ll be hearing about that soon! Personally, I hope this Show includes Courtney firing her mother as her manager and getting plenty of counseling, along with an antiseptic bath and an extreme makeover.


Read more at ONTD: Oh No They Didn't! – Courtney Stodden Lands Her Own Reality Show; Dating And Focusing On Her Singing Career Again!

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