Fox greenlights Neil Blomkamp to direct Alien 5

Fox greenlights Neil Blomkamp to direct Alien 5

Neill Blomkamp’s New Alien Movie Officially Has Sigourney Weaver on Board, Will Ignore Last 2 Movies

By Eric Diaz on February 25,2020

Neill Blomkamp’s Alien movie, which was just a series of concept sketches posted on Instagram a few months back, has suddenly become very real. And now we are learning some details, although many of them could have been guessed from the artwork. First off, in case there were any doubt, Sigourney Weaver will indeed return as Ellen Ripley, and this movie should give proper closure to her character. Also surmised from the concept art (that included an older version of Michael Biehn’s Hicks character from Aliens), Blomkamp’s new movie will basically disregard Alien 3 and Alien: Resurrection as the director says he’s designing the film to sit in sequence right after Aliens.

Will Blomkamp just pretend that the other two movies didn’t happen, similar to what Bryan Singer did with Superman III and Superman IV when he made Superman Returns? Although that movie had its fair share of issues, I don’t think anyone was upset that Richard Pryor’s character and Nuclear Man were flushed down the continuity toilet. But while just about no one loves Alien: Resurrection (even Joss Whedon, the guy who wrote it), David Fincher’s Alien 3 does have its fans out there. If anything, that movie scored some points this weekend for providing us with the basis for this excellent post-Oscars meme.

Personally, I hope they treat those two movies as the mother of all cryo-sleep nightmares. It would be weird to just not mention them at all, considering that Weaver was front and center for both, but maybe that’s the plan. Fox hasn’t given a release date yet for the movie, but I imagine we’ll be hearing a lot more about this one very soon. In the meantime, check out this video from Sky Movies where both Blomkamp and Weaver talk about Alien 5, and don’t forget to watch Jessica Chobot break down her hopes and dreams in a recent episode of Nerdist News!

YAAASSSSSSSSSSSSS! I hope they give Ellen Ripley the ending she deserves. In the words of RuPaul…….DON’T FUCK IT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lollerskates:

Neill Blomkamp’s New ALIEN Movie Officially Has Sigourney Weaver on Board, Will Ignore Last 2 Movies « Nerdist

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