Apologies if this has already been posted elsewhere. Also, I can’t insert videos or links on my tablet for some reason, the bloody "paste" button disappears in a flash if use the linking buttons, so pls someone can do it below? Thank you!
A French Film Showing Men What Being A Woman Feels Like Kinda Nails It
A French film Showing Men What Being A Woman Feels Like Kinda Nails It
[IMG]https://upw-prod-images.global.ssl.fastly.net/account/4f46542abdf70e0003000002/***_66_rollie-williams-787234690534684a1774370d7810ecc5-787234690534684a1774370d7810ecc5.JPG[/IMG] Rollie Williams
Flipping the genders really brings to light some of the awful things that happen to women in our male-dominated society.
Trigger warning (sexual violence) and slightly NSFW, but it is absolutely worth the time.