Gwyneth Paltrow Once Threw a Dinner Party Where Everyone Barfed

Gwyneth Paltrow Once Threw a Dinner Party Where Everyone Barfed


Yeah, yeah — we’re aware not Everyone is a fan of the perfectly polished Paltrow.
And that the mere thought of her is enough to make some of you retch.

But Gwyneth herself is spilling the beans on an early ****ing mishap that literally left her dining guests losing their lunch. She was only 18 at the time, so we’ll give her a break.
“I went to the store and bought an eggplant and a jar of tomato sauce and some really rubbery mozzarella cheese, “she told Rachael Ray. “I didn’t know that when you **** eggplant, you first have to sweat it to get all the bitter juice out, and I didn’t realize that you also have to bread eggplant parmesan and fry it before. So I put slices of raw eggplant with jarred tomato sauce and mozzarella. And Everyone Threw up.”

Her ****ing has since improved, and she’s even announced she’s working on a third ****book that will focus on “clean comfort food” for the whole family:

I just run out of ideas for the kids and family. … I think I might do appetizers for a Party section because that’s always a tough one. It’s like you’re having a party, and you don’t want to be in the kitchen. Kind of make-ahead trays and stuff you can stick in the oven. I would love easy Party food and kid-family food, and that’s Where I am right now.

What did Gwyneth **** that made everyone throw up? | Entertain This!

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