Is Jon Hamm hooking up with his ‘Mad Men’ costar Elisabeth Moss?

Is Jon Hamm hooking up with his ‘Mad Men’ costar Elisabeth Moss?

Is Jon Hamm hooking up with his ‘Mad Men’ costar Elisabeth Moss?

Here are some photos from this past weekend of Jon Hamm and Elisabeth Moss – Don and Peggy – getting coffee together in NYC. It seems like they had coffee by themselves, without the presence of any other friends, coworkers or significant others. Then they walked out together, in the same direction for a while until Elisabeth peeled off and the paparazzo seemed to follow her for a bit.

I’m writing about these pics because there’s a rumor going around the tabloids that Jon and Elisabeth are hooking up. According to In Touch Weekly, they’re having “secret” hookups all over the place, and they even went to DisneyWorld together (and presumably hooked up there as well).

They spend plenty of time together on the set of Mad Men, but co-stars Jon Hamm and Elisabeth Moss are spending a whole lot of time off set, too!

Eyewitnesses exclusively share with In Touch that the duo spent Easter day together — at the happiest place on earth! “I saw them at Disneyland on Easter,” the eyewitness at the Anaheim, Calif., theme park tells In Touch, on newsstands now. “It was just the two of them. They were walking around the park, trying to be incognito.”

Though Elisabeth and Jon’s rep insist the actors are “just friends,” Jon and Elisabeth were spotted together again that same week. On April 26, without any co-stars or Jon’s longtime girlfriend, actress Jennifer Westfeldt, the two were spotted on a coffee run in NYC.

[From In Touch Weekly]

Do you believe it? I would believe it about Jon – there have been stories about him fooling around on his long-time girlfriend/partner Jennifer Westfeldt for a while now. And some of those stories are about him getting with costars too, so it wouldn’t be ridiculous to think that Elisabeth would catch his eye.

But do I believe it about Elisabeth? I don’t know. She rolls with Xenu (she’s second-generation CoS), she’s been married once and it just seems like Elisabeth (or “Lizzie,” as Jon calls her) doesn’t play games. Would she fool around with a guy who has a significant other? Even if it was Jon Hamm and the Hammaconda? I think she might, but only if there were rules – like, “Don’t get personal, don’t fall in love,” etc.

The counterpoint: if you were banging Jon Hamm and you met him for coffee, would you want him to see you in those Uggs? Another counterpoint: Jon and Lizzie have always been openly adoring of each other and it’s completely possible they are great friends who just like to hang out together.

Cele|bitchy | Is Jon Hamm hooking up with his ‘Mad Men’ costar Elisabeth Moss?

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