Jessica Simpson Appears Trashed On the Red Carpet

Jessica Simpson Appears Trashed On the Red Carpet


What the Hell is Wrong With Jessica Simpson?!

3/18/2015 6:00 AM PDT, by Sarah Taylor

If you’re ready to be all sorts of shocked and appalled, then this short 2-minute video clip from Extra is for you, friends — Jessica Simpson appeared on a red carpet, and during the above interview, she could barely string a coherent sentence together.

We discussed being a bit concerned over Jess’s strange actions and appearances lately, and though a lot of folks thought we were reading entirely too far into it, those very same folks might be singing a different tune after watching this video.

We’ll ask again: what the hell is wrong with Jessica Simpson lately?


Read more: What the Hell is Wrong With Jessica Simpson?! |
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Watching her in this video reminds me of how I’d get after taking handfuls of soma’s back in the day.

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