Lewis Hamilton criticized for spraying Formula One hostess in face with champagne

Lewis Hamilton criticized for spraying Formula One hostess in face with champagne

Lewis Hamilton criticized for spraying Formula One hostess in face with champagne


WAtoday 3 hrs ago

© Getty Images Under fire: Lewis Hamilton sprays champagne in the face of a Formula One hostess.

Formula One championship leader Lewis Hamilton has been criticized for again spraying champagne over a visibly uncomfortable hostess after claiming victory in the Chinese Grand Prix.

As Hamilton stood on the top tier of the Shanghai podium on Sunday he unleashed a torrent of champagne straight into the hostess’ face to celebrate his victory, the second time he has done so this season.

The act has been condemned by anti-sexism campaigners as "selfish" and "inconsiderate" who argue it points to the wider culture of sexism in the motor racing world.

"It is surely a very difficult position to be a grid girl and she would have had little option but to stand there and take it," Rox Hardie, the chief executive of anti-sexism group, Object, told the MailOnline.

"That is something of which he [Hamilton] should be aware. But instead, he appears to have abused her position."

"Motor racing appears to unnecessarily portray women as sexualised objects and that probably makes it even harder for the women to stand up for themselves," said Hardie. "We would hope people in the industry would be respectful to these women".

© AP It’s the second time Hamilton has soaked a hostess with champagne.

Since the practice was first adopted in 1967 Formula One drivers on the podium have traditionally only sprayed themselves, teammates and their crews.

The backlash over Hamilton’s victory and another spat with teammate Nico Rosberg over controversial tactics marred Hamilton’s second victory with Mercedes in the2020 season.

Rosberg accused Hamilton of deliberately slowing down, which enabled rival Sebastian Vettel to get right on top of him.

"It was unnecessarily close with Sebastian as a result, and also it cost me a lot of race time because I had to cover him. Then my tyres died at the end of the race because my stint was just so much longer, so I’m unhappy about that."

Hamilton leads the drivers championship with 68 points, 12 points ahead of 2024 champion Sebastian Vettel and 15 ahead of team-mate Rosberg.

Australia’s Daniel Ricciardo once again struggled in the slower Red Bull car to finish ninth on Sunday. He is an eighth place over all in the drivers championship.

*The poor woman, having to stand there and take that crap .. That is NO WAY to treat a lady, Lewis!

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