Mariah Carey: ‘I fire nannies if they try to make themselves more important than me’

Mariah Carey: ‘I fire nannies if they try to make themselves more important than me’

On doing Idol
That was a moment in my life that I want to press ‘delete.’ I was hoping to be more of a mentor for the contestants… they chose to go another direction which was ‘reality tv.’
On how much she made for Idol
I got more [than 12 million]. I wouldn’t have done it for 12 [million].
On what Nick is doing for her for Valentine’s Day
He’s not even going to be home from what I hear now. The schedule dahling.
On if Nick is a hands-on dad
Nick, he has fun with dem babies when they’re fun. And then when it’s like they’re interfering with other things, they go to the crib, and that’s fine.
On Nick saying they have lots of sex
I can’t comment on Nick’s commentary. He should slow down and stop talking. I hope Nick’s listening. I would prefer to have a certain degree of decorum vs. just saying things for laughs.
On if she’s divorcing Nick
Yes we’re going to divorce court after we leave dahling. Dominican Republic here we come.
On having twins
Can anyone congratulate me for having twins? Imagine carrying two twins.
On if she has nannies
Unfortunately I have to have nannies but I’m very hands on. I go through nannies like this [snaps fingers] and I hate to do that but I have to, because if they try to make themselves more important in the baby’s mind than me… [makes cutting motion over throat]. I just brought a girl back home with me from Puerto Rico and she’s here.

[From videos on YouTube and TMZ] emselves_more_important_than_me/

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