Rare Black Jaguar

Rare Black Jaguar

Rare Black Jaguar swims across Amazon river

World Wildlife Fund official Carter Roberts called the sighting ‘one of the most incredible things I’ve ever witnessed’

February 04,2020 by David Strege


خليجيةA Rare sighting of a Black Jaguar swimming across an Amazon river; photo is a screen grab from the video

The head of the World Wildlife Fund was boating downstream on the Tapajós River in Brazil’s Juruena National Park after an epic rainstorm when he came across a sight he’ll never forget: a Rare Black Jaguar swimming across the river.
Carter Roberts, president and chief executive of the WWF-U.S., said it was “one of the most incredible things I’ve ever witnessed.”
Guide Bret Whitney identified the Black Jaguar and filmed the Rare encounter, explained here by Matt Sampson of The Weather Channel:

According to the World Wildlife Fund, jaguars are “strong swimmers and climbers, and require large areas of tropical rain forest and stretches of riverbank to survive.”
Only 600 Black jaguars are believed to exist in the world today.
Here’s the original video from the World Wildlife Fund:


Thanks to the Amazon Region Protected Area, 150 million acres of the Amazon are to be protected in perpetuity. That’s three times the size of all U.S. parks combined. In a little more than a decade, ARPA has reportedly protected a California-size portion of the Amazon across 100 different sites.
With more conservation efforts, hopefully there will be more Black Jaguar sightings such as this one.

Rare black jaguar swims across Amazon river – GrindTV.com

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