يوتيوب صور Angel Vanessa خلفيات ازياء 2024،2024

image photos يوتيوب صور Angel Vanessa خلفيات ازياء 2013،2012 news 2024 صور 2024 يوتيوب صور Angel Vanessa خلفيات ازياء 2013،2012 افلام اغاني مكياج أزياء اخبار جديدفضائح شائعات

يوتيوب صور Angel Vanessa خلفيات ازياء 2013،2012 2024


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Paris & Nicky Hilton, Alicia Keyes, Ivana Trump & more at the Angel Ball 2014 in NYC

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Angel Haze Talks Ireland Baldwin Relationship: ‘We’re Not Friends, We F***’

Angel Haze Talks Ireland Baldwin Relationship: ‘We’re Not Friends, We F***’

Angel Haze has spoken out about her relationship with Ireland Baldwin and made it clear that despite being labelled as ‘friends’ by certain parts of the media, they are most definitely romantically involved. The US rapper started dating the model daughter of Kim Basinger and Alec Baldwin after the pair were introduced by Ireland’s cousin at New York Fashion Week.

Ireland Baldwin and Angel Haze But Angel, who plays Glastonbury this weekend, remains amused that they are still referred to as ‘friends’, despite the pair regularly uploading affectionate snaps of each on Instagram.
“I don’t know if there’s like some confirm or deny thing with the way relationships work in the media, but everyone just calls us best friends, best friends for life, like we’re just friends hanging out,” she told The Independent. “It’s funny. It’s rad in some ways, it sucks in others.”
“There are still certain limitations for women,” she said. “If we were two guys, it’d be insane, negatively insane with the attention. With us it’s all being very positive, the media are like, ‘Oh they’re so cute, they’re best friends.’
And Angel didn’t hold back when it came to spelling out that her relationship with Ireland is anything but platonic.
"An interracial gay couple, I mean that’s just weird for America right now," she said. "We f**k and friends don’t f**k. I have never f**ked one of my friends. Once I see you in that way, it doesn’t happen.

“But we do f**k and it’s crazy and that’s weird to say because I think about it in terms of an audience reading it and them thinking, ‘What the hell?’ But it happens.”

Earlier this month Angel and 18-year-old Ireland all but confirmed their relationship after sharing a major PDA outside the Sweet Butter Kitchen in Sherman Oaks, California.

They were spotted getting all touchy feely as they left the restaurant with a group of mates.
So, just to confirm, Angel Haze and Ireland Baldwin are in a relationship. Got it? Good.

Angel Haze Talks Ireland Baldwin Relationship: ‘We’re Not Friends, We F***’

Ireland Baldwin and Angel Haze

Ireland Baldwin and Angel Haze

Ireland Baldwin steps out hand in hand with rumoured girlfriend Angel Haze | Mail Online

Teaming sporty with sexy: Ireland Baldwin slips into a tiny leather mini and ****ball jacket as she holds hands with bisexual rapper Angel Haze on girls’ night out
By Sara Malm
Published: 07:47 EST, 12 June 2024 | Updated: 10:13 EST, 12 June 2024

Ireland Baldwin and ‘girlfriend’ Angel Haze appeared to all-but confirm their relationship as they left a Los Angeles nightspot hand in hand on Wednesday.

The 6ft2in model daughter of Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger enjoyed a night out with her rapper girl at popular Dirty Laundry Bar in the city.

Ireland and Angel raised suspicion that they were more than just friends after several intimate Instagram posts of them kissing.

Is it love?: Ireland Baldwin and her rumored girlfriend Angel Haze walks hand in hand after enjoyring a night out in LA

In April this year the pair got matching tattoos of a pair of masks with the **** ‘we can be heroes’
The following month, to celebrate Cinco de Mayo, Ireland posted a picture of her kissing Angel, who describes herself as ‘pansexual’.

Last month, Ireland shared a picture of herself and wrote a racy message to Angel in the caption.
In the message attached to the image, she wrote: ‘Don’t let this go to your head, but you’re the best I’ve ever had… @AngelHaze. (sic)’

In a haze: The pair have allegedly been dating after Ireland split with long-term boyfriend Slater Trout in March this year

Stylish: Both Ireland and her ‘friend’ went for black ensembles, with Ireland opting to wear a University of Hawaii jacket over her LBD

Last night, the 18-year-old looked stylish in a throwback University of Hawaii jacket over a LBD and matching black pointed toe pumps.

Her rumoured girlfriend went for an all-black ensemble, paired with black military boots.

Ireland broke off a long-term relationship with professional surfer Slater Trout in March this year, having dated him since 2024.

Praise indeed: Last month, Ireland shared a picture of herself and wrote a racy message to Angel in the caption

Kiss: It all began when the model marked Cinco de Mayo, a celebration held on May 5, by posting a picture of her kissing Angel, who sings on Macklemore’s paean to LGBT rights, Same Love

Ireland Baldwin steps out hand in hand with rumoured girlfriend Angel Haze | Mail Online

Kate Beckinsale and Cara Delevingne – The Face Of An Angel after party

Kate Beckinsale and Cara Delevingne – The Face Of An Angel after party

[IMG]https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/09/07/141****456177_wps_89_TORONTO_ON_SEPTEMBER_06_A.jpg[/IMG][IMG]https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/09/07/141****649830_wps_99_TORONTO_ON_SEPTEMBER_06_L.jpg[/IMG][IMG]https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/09/07/141****690879_wps_103_TORONTO_ON_SEPTEMBER_06_A.jp g[/IMG][IMG]https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/09/07/141****703279_wps_105_TORONTO_ON_SEPTEMBER_06_L.jp g[/IMG]
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Dawn Wells : Angel Was a Centerfold?

Dawn Wells : Angel Was a Centerfold?

I’m a middle aged guy and so I grew up in the 60’s watching shows like Gilligan’s Island, and of course being a straight guy, I had the hots for Ginger and Mary Ann like every other straight guy that grew up with the show. That said, I occasionally peruse articles about old TV memories on sites like youtube and facebook and post comments.
I posted about a teenage memory on one of these pages, and judging from the responses I got, you would’ve thought that I had committed an unutterable blasphemy because I have a recollection of seeing a nude spread of Dawn Wells in a men’s magazine some time between late spring, early summer 1975 and the spring of 1976. Now it’s possible that I may be mistaken, that was 4 decades ago and the mind can have a way of compositing memories and producing a creative and subjective view of an event that may bear little resemblance to reality. However, so sure am I that this is not the case, that if anyone can prove that my memory is *****, I want a neuroscientist to scan my brain and tell me how these ***** memories were produced, and more importantly if I can expect more of the same as I get older, because I want to know if I can look forward to something like senile dementia or Alzheimer’s.
So here’s a little story of what I remember, why I remember it and why I feel so confident that this memory is accurate.

I don’t have a photographic memory, but I have a vivid one and I am extremely linear in how I remember things. If for some reason an event produces a significant emotion, it seems to be filed along with other synchronous events and I form this timeline in my mind when I go to remembering something years later.

The timeline is something I feel pretty sure about. Twice now, it has been suggested to me that I had seen the September, 1976 issue of Penthouse that featured Sienna Welles and Dawn Shaw, in fact, the latter bears a little resemblance to Dawn Wells. No, I’m sure I saw this issue well before that because I remember where I saw it and I remember talking about it with a friend in one of my classes during my sophomore year in high school ( Aug.1975-June,1976), so it could not have been that late. This particular friend I spoke with it about ( he initially brought it up to me and I confirmed that I , too, had seen the spread), Ray Kicklighter shared only one class with me during the one and only one year I went to that particular school. By September of 1976, my family had moved and I was on to another school and a new set of friends and the magazine spread was all but forgotten for decades.

I also remember where I saw the spread. I remember this because during that time, I had worked a few part time jobs starting in the summer of ’75 and continuing on weekends throughout that school year. My dad was big on this, instead of an allowance, I got job leads. It was great, I had spending money, I could buy my own clothes and didn’t have to depend on Mom’s lame taste anymore, and what was really cool, I could afford weed.

Back then, it was fairly easy to obtain weed,just like today, but there were channels you had to go through, especially if you were a kid who had no car or driver’s license. I usually went to a friend, I’ll call Kevin, as he was older and had a car and if lucky, could obtain a dime bag or lid within a couple of hours.

Kevin lived in an apartment with a couple of other guys and while I waited, I would either peruse his collection of men’s magazines (usually Penthouse,Playboy and/or the then new Hustler) or strum on his guitar. On one of these occasions, I was obviously doing the former.

I’m about 90% sure it was Penthouse because that was Kevin’s fave. I’m 100% that if this is a real memory it was Dawn Wells as I remember reading the write up along with the full, frontally nude pictures that spoke about the "former Mary Ann of Gilligan’s Island". Not Sienna Welles, not Dawn Shaw. Now some have suggested to me that if what I say is true, she would’ve been the featured star of the magazine, the Pet of the Month , but that’s not what I remember, she was one of the featured attractions, but not the Pet. They have also suggested that such an event would’ve been a major headline and so therefore the pictures should be easily accessible today. Let me tell you why that might NOT be the case. During the time,say, 1974-76, Gilligan’s Island wasn’t really old enough to be a classic. It was like me driving my old, beat up 1971 Impala during the early 80’s. It wasn’t a classic muscle car then, it was just an old jalopy. I remember looking at reruns of Gilligan’s Island during the 70’s, episodes I had seen numerous times, ad nauseum and thinking, and we actually thought this was funny? So While a Dawn Wells nude might have been a novelty of, ""oh that’s what she’s doing now", wonder, it wasn’t a tabloid headline, or not so I remember ( I’ll add that my mom was a fan of tabloids and if it was a tabloid story, it never cropped up in anything my mom read).
So what’s happened to the pics? I don’t fuckin’ know. You ask around on the net and you’ll either get directed to the September, 1976 issue and/ or a tirade about how "Mary Ann would NEVER do that because she’s too classy an act who will reside with the angels when she dies( I also read a post from a crazed fundamentalist Christian who stated that she would "bust hell wide open" for causing young men to "burn with lust")". Yeah, well allrighty then, I see where this is going. Here’s another thing that I am 100% CERTAIN of. Mary Ann Summers, the girl next door we saw on TV, DOES NOT EXIST! SHE’s NOT REAL!!!! Dawn Wells the actress, however, is quite real and therefore subject to the same pressures, bad career advice, whatever, that any other working professional could’ve been subjected to that would’ve inspired such a move as to pose nude in a magazine. The 70’s was a time when many celebrities were sexually "experimenting" or "pushing the envelope" or whatever they were calling it then and if you look at what Wells was doing during the time, there are enough gaps in there, it could’ve conceivably happened. Why is there no evidence? I don’t know, maybe she paid to have it retracted and destroyed or buried, like I said, I have no clue. All I know is what I think I remember and if you find it offensive, sorry, but seriously, is it really that much of a big deal if she did? The only reason I’m concerned is that I want to know if the memory in my head is real, I have no other vested interest other than that. It’s a memory, a subjective experience, take it for what it is. To confirm or deny it requires evidence and absence of evidence, as any Christian arguing with an atheist will tell you, is not evidence of absence.