60 Minute Makeover host Michelle Watt took her own life. because of chronic pain :(

60 Minute Makeover host Michelle Watt took her own life. because of chronic pain 🙁

60 Minute Makeover host Michelle Watt killed herself because of chronic headaches caused by spinal procedure, reveals her boxing legend father

60 Minute Makeover’s Michelle Watt killed herself because of chronic headaches | Daily Mail Online

  • TV host Michelle Watt suffered intense pain after having a lumbar puncture
  • Boxing pundit father Jim said she took her own life after she failed to cope
  • He said Michelle was unable to sleep and suffered chronic headaches
  • Second tragedy to befall former world champion boxer’s family in 20 years
PUBLISHED: 19:19 EST, 2 July2020 | UPDATED: 20:34 EST, 2 July2020
By Jenny Awford

Daytime television host Michelle Watt took her own life because of chronic headaches caused by a spinal procedure, her boxing pundit father Jim revealed.
The former lightweight world champion, 66, said his 38-year-old daughter became depressed as she struggled to cope with excruciating pain following a lumbar puncture.

He said the 60 Minute Makeover presenter was unable to eat or sleep and lost her spark after the crippling pain became too much.
The mother-of-one had the surgery – which sees a needle inserted into the spine – to test for problems affecting her brain after suffering headaches and blackouts late last year.
‘There was a problem with her optical nerve so they gave her the lumbar puncture to check for things like pressure on the brain,’ her father toldThe Scottish Sun. ‘From that point her life was horrendous.

‘She was in constant pain and wasn’t sleeping. It knocked the stuffing out of her.‘Her appetite went and the weight was falling off her.
She had no enthusiasm — she didn’t want to see anyone or go anywhere.
‘The spark just went.
She just ceased to be Michelle.’
Michelle’s **** was discovered last Wednesday in the £350,000 detached house she shared with husband Paul Kerr, 43, and five-year-old daughter Jaymi in Airth, Stirlingshire.
Her death is the second family tragedy to devastate the former lightweight champion and his wife Margaret.
In October 1995, their son Jim junior lost his life in a horrific road crash when he was only 17-years-old.


Michelle Watt took her own life because of chronic headaches caused by a spinal procedure, according to her boxing pundit father Jim (pictured together)

Michelle, who also presented STV’s The Hour, first noticed something wrong when she started suffering headaches and had a couple of blackouts late last year.She went for an eye test and the optician told her to go straight to hospital.


Michelle first noticed something wrong when she started suffering headaches and had a couple of blackouts late last year

The 60 Minute Makeover presenter (pictured on the show) was unable to sleep and lost her spark

After the lumbar puncture, doctors gave Michelle MRI and CAT scans which revealed calcium deposits on her optical nerve.
Her father said that Michelle became more insular and stopped answering **** messages or going out following the painful operation.
She fell into a dark depression and could not escape the slump despite going to live with her father in Kirkintilloch, near Glasgow.
‘She hadn’t had a decent night’s sleep since the procedure and not sleeping is an illness in itself, he said.‘It was a terrible time for Michelle and compounded into a deep depression.


She was also a regular newspaper columnist, with her bubbly nature and sense of humor said to be purely contagious to those around her

Her **** was discovered in the £350,000 detached house she shared with husband Paul Kerr, 43, and daughter Jaymi, five, in a leafy estate in Stirlingshire, Scotland (pictured)

‘At that point she wasn’t answering ****s from friends, she shut the whole world out.’
He also pointed out that Hollywood star George Clooney was left feeling suicidal after having the same procedure.
Jim said he noticed an improvement after Michelle received professional help for her depression and that no**** predicted this would happen.
He paid tribute to his daughter, describing her as ‘the most wonderful girl in the world’.He also told how her husband Paul and daughter were ‘shattered’ by the loss.
Michelle had carved a successful media career after presenting a number of TV programmes, including 60 Minute Makeover, dating show Club Cupid, and The Hour on STV in Scotland.


Michelle’s father Jim Watt is a much-respected boxing pundit with Sky Sports (left). He had a hugely successful in-ring career, including becoming lightweight champion of the world (right)

She was also a regular newspaper columnist, with her bubbly nature and sense of humour said to be purely contagious to those around her.
Tributes were paid by popular Michelle’s showbiz friends.
TV favourite Lorraine Kelly – who Michelle had previously described as her ‘inspiration’ – posted on Twitter: ‘Absolutely shocked to hear of death of Michelle Watt.‘Lovely woman and a fantastic mum. Thoughts with her family and everyone who loved her.’
Glasgow comedian Des Clarke, who shared hosting duties with the mother-of-one on Club Cupid, said: ‘It’s so sad. My memories of Michelle are just all so happy.‘She was just really fun to be around and such a lovely, genuine person and so hard-working.‘I never remember her having a bad day.
She was a beautiful-looking girl and so full of joy.
‘It didn’t matter what time of day I’d see her, first thing in the morning or last thing at night, she was so glam – and I’d turn up in T-shirts and scruffy jeans and old trainers.’


Her father said that Michelle became more insular and stopped answering **** messages or going out following the painful operation


Lumbar puncture tests, also known as spinal tap procedure, is performed to allow medics to look at the fluid that surrounds the brain and spinal cord.
Cerebral spinal fluid acts as a cushion, protecting the brain and spine from injury.
The fluid is normally clear and has the same consistency as water.
The test can also measure pressure in the spinal fluid.
How the test is carried out?
A patient is put under local anaesthetic and a hollow needle is then inserted into the base of the spine and into the spinal canal, which contains the spinal cord and the nerves coming from it.
The patient will normally be lying on their side, legs pulled up and chin tucked in.
The position allows the medic to access the spine.
The procedure takes around 30 to 45 minutes to complete.


A lumbar puncture is carried out to test the cerebral spinal fluid, highlighted in purple above, which acts as a cushion, protecting the brain and spine from injury

What are the risks?
A lumbar puncture is generally safe and the risk of serious complications is very low, according to the NHS.
Many patients experience headaches, which ususally develop 24 to 48 hours after having the procedure.
Patients typically describe a dull or throbbing pain at the front of their head, while others experience the pain spreading to the neck and shoulders.
The pain is caused by cerebral spinal fluid leaking out through the needle hole in the spine.
The NHS states: ‘The headaches are typically worse when in the upright position and can usually be relieved by lying down.’
Drinking plenty of fluids and taking simple painkillers can also relieve the pain.
Typically it can take up to a week for the hole to heal and the fluid to stop leaking.
Source: NHS Choices

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Celine Dion on her husband: ‘I am scared of losing him, because it’s bad’

Celine Dion on her husband: ‘I am scared of losing him, because it’s bad’


I had the chance to watch Celine Dion’s full interview with Good Morning America, in which she revealed that she’s returning to Vegas after months at homecaring for her husband. As we covered yesterday, Celine’s husband of over 20 years, René Angélil, 73, is unable to speak or eat following surgery for throat cancer. Celine revealed that he requires a feeding tube. I was so moved by Celine’s story, and the full interview just confirmed that. She’s always been such a sincere, classy person

During the interview, they showed Celine and René walking out on the stage in Vegas where she’s set to perform again in August. René moved gingerly and you could tell was having problems. In a new interview with People Magazine, Celine reveals that it was René’s idea for her to return to Vegas. People also says that René has lost much of his hearing due to radiation treatments for his cancer. It’s hard to read all she’s been through. Here’s some of what she told People:

Her outlook for the future

I always remember that saying when you get married: ‘In sickness and in health.’ I am scared of losing him, because it’s bad… but I have to show myself, my husband and my kids that I’m strong and we’re ok.
When I stopped performing, I wanted to be just a wife and mother. He wants me to sing again, and I want to do this with him.

On everything they’ve been through

It’s made us strong. We’ve been through a lot and we’re not questioning, ‘What happened and why? And how come again?’ We just have to get through it the best possible way… sickness is tough, it’s not something you choose.
You just have to live every day to the fullest… we don’t know what the future will bring, so we decided to just go for it.

How her children are doing

The twins are fine because they’re young, but I’m worried about RC. [Her oldest son, 13]. He understands what’s going on, and I feel a lot of empathy for him and I want him to feel like he can talk…
They [her children] help me to keep busy and stay positive. I just can’t sit around and worry.

On Rene encouraging her to get back to work

He was ready before me. He amazes me. I feel very fortunate I still have him… Rene has a little written destiny, but what exactly and when, no**** knows, and we’re not waiting for it.

Cele|bitchy | Celine Dion on her husband: ‘I am scared of losing him, because it’s bad’

Guy Allegedly Beat & Raped Fellow Student Because Fifty Shades of Grey

Guy Allegedly Beat & Raped Fellow Student Because Fifty Shades of Grey

The guy is a rapist. Period. But the comments after the article were funny.

Guy Allegedly Beat & Raped Fellow Student BecauseÂ*Fifty Shades of GreyÂ*

Guy Allegedly Beat & Raped Fellow Student Because Fifty Shades of Grey

A dude at University of Illinois at Chicago decided to reenact Fifty Shades of Grey without the consent of his partner and then was surprised that he couldn’t just go home after his case went to court. How many more ways can we explain the concept of consent? How many?

On Monday, according to the Chicago Tribune, 19-year-old Mohammad Hossain was given bail at $500,000 after prosecuting Assistant State’s Attorney Sarah Karr argued that the bionuclear Student attacked a woman he’d been intimate with before with tricks he picked up from the S&M-driven film. The problem is one of consent, she argued, the consent that Hossain didn’t obtain from his partner after inviting her to his dorm room where he tied her up with a belt and then filled her mouth with a necktie.

Hossain used a knit cap to cover the woman’s eyes, Karr said, and removed the woman’s bra and underwear. He then began striking the woman with a belt. After hitting her several times, the woman told Hossain he was hurting her, told him to stop, "and began shaking her head and crying," said Karr.

Hossain continued striking the woman — including with his fists, according to an arrest report — and she managed to get one arm, and then another, free. But he then held her arms behind her back and sexually assaulted her as she continued to plead for him to stop, according to Karr.

Not long after the assault, Hossain’s roommate came home and he didn’t let him in the room, said prosecutors. Then the victim left, told another person and the police. On Saturday night, Hossain was arrested, admitted "doing something wrong" and Allegedly that he got the idea of the assault from Fifty Shades of Grey.

Guys, do not do this. Don’t be this guy. The irony here is that the whole basis of S&M is consent and established safe words to be deployed when things get too intense or violent. How this guy missed that is just …

And if you are so daft that you think you should do everything that you see in films, please stay away from the theater. Hollywood is fine without your patronage.

cassiebearRAWRaHillary Crosley Coker
Yesterday 6:45pm
This reminds me of the time I saw Lord of the Rings and then I started summoning giant walls of water to expel ring wraiths from Rivendell.

Yesterday 6:56pm

Yesterday 6:59pm
I heard the same thing when I & 10 of my friends robbed 3 casinos on fight night

Yesterday 7:43pm
And then you got expelled from school for threatening your classmate with the One Ring!

Yesterday 7:51pm

I liked the dad in that story:

‘"I assure you my son lacks the magical powers necessary to threaten his friend’s existence," the boy’s father later wrote in an email. "If he did, I’m sure he’d bring him right back."’

Guy Allegedly Beat & Raped Fellow Student Because Fifty Shades of Grey

Guy Allegedly Beat & Raped Fellow Student Because Fifty Shades of Grey

The guy is a rapist. Period. But the comments after the article were funny.

Guy Allegedly Beat & Raped Fellow Student BecauseÂ*Fifty Shades of GreyÂ*

Guy Allegedly Beat & Raped Fellow Student Because Fifty Shades of Grey

A dude at University of Illinois at Chicago decided to reenact Fifty Shades of Grey without the consent of his partner and then was surprised that he couldn’t just go home after his case went to court. How many more ways can we explain the concept of consent? How many?

On Monday, according to the Chicago Tribune, 19-year-old Mohammad Hossain was given bail at $500,000 after prosecuting Assistant State’s Attorney Sarah Karr argued that the bionuclear Student attacked a woman he’d been intimate with before with tricks he picked up from the S&M-driven film. The problem is one of consent, she argued, the consent that Hossain didn’t obtain from his partner after inviting her to his dorm room where he tied her up with a belt and then filled her mouth with a necktie.

Hossain used a knit cap to cover the woman’s eyes, Karr said, and removed the woman’s bra and underwear. He then began striking the woman with a belt. After hitting her several times, the woman told Hossain he was hurting her, told him to stop, "and began shaking her head and crying," said Karr.

Hossain continued striking the woman — including with his fists, according to an arrest report — and she managed to get one arm, and then another, free. But he then held her arms behind her back and sexually assaulted her as she continued to plead for him to stop, according to Karr.

Not long after the assault, Hossain’s roommate came home and he didn’t let him in the room, said prosecutors. Then the victim left, told another person and the police. On Saturday night, Hossain was arrested, admitted "doing something wrong" and Allegedly that he got the idea of the assault from Fifty Shades of Grey.

Guys, do not do this. Don’t be this guy. The irony here is that the whole basis of S&M is consent and established safe words to be deployed when things get too intense or violent. How this guy missed that is just …

And if you are so daft that you think you should do everything that you see in films, please stay away from the theater. Hollywood is fine without your patronage.

cassiebearRAWRaHillary Crosley Coker
Yesterday 6:45pm
This reminds me of the time I saw Lord of the Rings and then I started summoning giant walls of water to expel ring wraiths from Rivendell.

Yesterday 6:56pm

Yesterday 6:59pm
I heard the same thing when I & 10 of my friends robbed 3 casinos on fight night

Yesterday 7:43pm
And then you got expelled from school for threatening your classmate with the One Ring!

Yesterday 7:51pm

I liked the dad in that story:

‘"I assure you my son lacks the magical powers necessary to threaten his friend’s existence," the boy’s father later wrote in an email. "If he did, I’m sure he’d bring him right back."’