Megan Fox Is Pretty Sure She Could Find Bigfoot

Megan Fox Is Pretty Sure She Could Find Bigfoot

Megan Fox has plenty of geek cred. And at Comic-Con on Thursday, she said her love of mythical beasts extends to real-world legends.

"Bigfoot’s real," she told PEOPLE when asked about her shared connections to the Comic-Con faithful. "And I have confidence in myself that if I were ever to be taken out on an expedition … I would be the one to Find Bigfoot."

The actress, 28, also says she’s been "pretty vocal about how I’m a Lord of the Rings geek." And at a press conference for the reboot of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, in which she plays April, she said she feels quite at home at the convention.

"I’ve walked the floor," she said. "I came once when my husband [Brian Austin Green] was here for Sarah Connor. I wasn’t promoting anything. I came in aStar Wars T‑shirt, and I walked around and no**** bothered me one time."

Megan Fox would be an archaeologist if she wasn’t an actress

A new interview. She also talks about her kids, and says that Ninja Turtles fans will be pleasantly surprised with the film:

Read more at ONTD: Oh No They Didn’t! – Megan Fox would be an archaeologist if she wasn’t an actress