Gwyneth Paltrow, no to alcohol, caffeine, added sugar, gluten, dairy, soy and corn .

Gwyneth Paltrow, no to alcohol, caffeine, added sugar, gluten, dairy, soy and corn…

Just say no to alcohol, caffeine, added sugar, gluten, dairy, soy and corn… Gwyneth Paltrow reveals ‘simple but tough’ detox plan (starting with a colonic)

  • Actress reveals details of annual detox on Goop website
  • Provides seven day meal plan and recipes
  • Bans alcohol, caffeine, added sugar and dairy
  • Said detoxing can eliminate excess weight as well as harmful toxins
  • Recommends complementing diet with spa treatments

Published: 09:46 EST, 2 January2020

If you’re planning to detox this January and need some advice then look no further than the queen of lean, Gwyneth Paltrow.
The actress turned health guru has famously tried a number of detoxes and written a book about her healthy eating habits.
Now on her lifestyle website Goop, she has revealed the secret to detox success for anyone keen to cut back in2020.

The website offers a food plan with recipes and explains the benefits of detoxing for those who have made a New Year resolution to get healthy.
Mother-of-two Gwyneth, 42, writes: ‘Okay. Time to give that liver a break. January always signifies detox time for us, and this year is no different.

‘The more we research, the more concerned about environmental toxins we become. We asked Bruce Lourie if it would be possible during our annual cleanse to not only drop some accumulated weight, but to get rid of some of the heavy ****ls, fire retardants, and pesticides in our systems, too (it is!).’

She adds that she recommends a number of wellness centres in the U.S. that have helped her detox in the past.

She said: ‘I checked out some spots in Los Angeles to aid and abet us in our attempts: Tikkun, a little day spa in Santa Monica where they take detox to the next level, and The Springs LA, a beautiful new wellness center in a warehouse in downtown LA where the practitioners were remarkable and I grabbed delicious vegan snacks on the way out. I may move in there.

‘There is more in the guides online, like Surya Spa, a full Panchakarma healing cleanse I did last spring, which was one of the most intense detoxes of my life (that’s saying a lot).’

What you can eat: Hummus is allowed as a snack with rice cakes

She adds that she recommends a number of wellness centres in the U.S. that have helped her detox in the past.
She said: ‘I checked out some spots in Los Angeles to aid and abet us in our attempts: Tikkun, a little day spa in Santa Monica where they take detox to the next level, and The Springs LA, a beautiful new wellness center in a warehouse in downtown LA where the practitioners were remarkable and I grabbed delicious vegan snacks on the way out. I may move in there.
‘There is more in the guides online, like Surya Spa, a full Panchakarma healing cleanse I did last spring, which was one of the most intense detoxes of my life (that’s saying a lot).’

For those who can’t get to L.A., they can follow Gwyneth’s Goop plan.
The website states that it is a ‘simple but tough’ detox. Basically, you have avoid all your favourite foods and drinks.
It explains: ‘Just say no to: alcohol, caffeine, added sugar, gluten, dairy, soy, corn, and nightshades (white, blue, red, and yellow potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant).’ Easy!
Other tips for an effective detox include drinking plenty of water (‘hot water in the morning is key’) and ‘getting to the spa for a handful of treatments: Anything that gets the lymphatic system moving is clutch, and IR saunas are particularly great (and effective) as sweat is one of our ****’s most effective means for flushing toxins.’
It adds: ‘Think about kicking the week off with a colonic – they definitely get things going.’

Gwyneth Paltrow reveals ‘simple but tough’ detox plan (starting with a colonic) | Daily Mail Online