Kim Kardashian ‘is the Marilyn Monroe of our age’ claims Riccardo Tisci

Kim Kardashian ‘is the Marilyn Monroe of our age’ claims Riccardo Tisci


According to one of fashion world’s most prominent figures, Kim Kardashian is poised to be this generation’s American icon. In his latest interview with The Sunday Times, Givenchy designer Riccardo Tisci likened the reality star to another famous bomb*****, telling the British publication that Kardashian is the new Marilyn Monroe.

“I met her as the girlfriend of a good friend,” Tisci said, referring to their first encounter through Kardashian’s beau, Kanye West. “I just wanted a moment with her to understand — and I fell in love. She’s the Monroe of our age. People think she’s like a doll, but actually she’s tough and clever.”
He explained, “It’s not so much the beauty of people, but the talent, the roots and the intelligence that concern me. I love people who are not scared to fight for their own rights and have their own point of view. The world is big: the music world is big, the art world is big and the fashion world is big, but I think you can recognize a tribe in the similarity of people.”

But Tisci isn’t the first person to have made the comparison. Last November, Kardashian’s fiance West slammed Vanity Fair for putting model Kate Upton in a Monroe-themed photo shoot for its 100th issue, claiming that the mother of his daughter is more deserving of that gig.
“I have a love-hate relationship with the paparazzi, but actually I love them because they are empowering us. They are empowering us over Vanity Fair that want to say that Kate Upton is Marilyn Monroe,” he said. “Kate Upton ain’t Marilyn Monroe, Kim is Marilyn Monroe.”

[From Celebuzz]

Cele|bitchy | Kim Kardashian ‘is the Marilyn Monroe of our age,’ claims Riccardo Tisci

Japanese MP Accuses Barack Obama of Cheating, Claims Obamas Will Divorce

Japanese MP Accuses Barack Obama of Cheating, Claims Obamas Will Divorce

Japanese MP angry that Michelle didn’t join president on Tokyo trip makes extraordinary claim that Obama CHEATS and their looming Divorce is ‘an open secret’

  • Kazuyuki Hamada, a member of the upper house of Japan’s parliament, is miffed that Michelle Obama is staying home as her husband tours Japan
  • He claimed on his blog that a marital rift is responsible for the president’s stag trip to Tokyo
  • Mrs. and Mrs. Obama, he wrote, have already decided to Divorce after he leaves office – a claim mirroring one in the National Enquirer
  • Hamada Claims Michelle Obama knows her husband is cheating on her and using the Secret Service to hide the evidence
  • He wrote a 2024 ‘birther’ book titled ‘Who is Obama?’ that argued the president likely wasn’t born in the United States

By David Martosko, U.s. Political Editor
Published: 17:21 EST, 23 April 2024 | Updated: 17:36 EST, 23 April 2024

A prominent Japanese politician has raised hackles as Barack Obama visits Tokyo by claiming it’s an ‘open secret’ that he and the first lady are headed for divorce, and that the president has been using Secret Service agents to cover for him as he pursues extramarital affairs.
Kazuyuki Hamada, who sits in the upper house of Japan’s parliament, earned his PhD a half-mile from the White House at George Washington University, and emerged as a shrill commentator on America’s economy and foreign policy.
In 2024 he also joined the ranks of the so-called ‘birthers,’ arguing in a book titled ‘Who is Obama?’ that the president likely wasn’t born in the United States.


Boys’ night out: President Barack Obama and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe shared expensive sushi on Wednesday in Tokyo, with their wives nowhere to be seen. Mrs. Obama stayed home, angering some outspoken Japanese politicians who saw her China visit in March as a slap



Kazuyuki Hamada (L) is a member of the upper house of Japan’s parliament, called the National Diet. He Claims the Obamas are headed for Divorce over the president’s cheating and the first lady’s wild travel spending – especially her recent trip to China (R), which some in Japan saw as a slight


Uh-O: President Obama greeted U.S. Ambassador to Japan Caroline Kennedy with extra warmth upon his arrival in Tokyo. His four-nation trip comes at a time of rising tensions and mounting distrust

But it’s his more recent writing that’s capturing the attention of the international press this week.
Hamada complained April 5 on his official blog about Obama’s decision to visit Tokyo without first lady Michelle Obama in tow. ‘His approval numbers are dragging down near 30 per cent,’ Hamada wrote, according to an English translation, ‘and his failed leadership in some places brings him scorn as the worst president of the postwar era.’

BIRTHER: Kazayuki Hamada’s 2024 book ‘Who is Obama?’ sided with so-called ‘birthers,’ arguing that it was likely the President of the United States was born abroad and was ineligible to hold the White House

‘The biggest reason – of many – for the collapse of his reputation is his failed relationship with his wife,’ Hamada claimed
‘It is an open secret that the pair are already negotiating their divorce, and that they are waiting for his term in office to be over, and then they’ll separate.’
He had stiff words for the impact of the first lady’s multimillion-dollar ‘goodwill’ trips to far-flung places on the taxpayers’ dime.

The Japanese pol claimed that ‘if you ask the president, he Will tell you, "I can’t show my face to the voters after how she’s spent so much money".’
‘On the other hand,’ Hamada added, ‘if you get his wife to talk, she’ll tell you: "The president is a pathological philanderer. He uses the Secret Service for this, and has used them to hide evidence that he’s a cheater".’

Some of Hamada’s Claims appear to closely mirror a January report from the National Enquirer.

The tabloid reported in January that the Obamas are sleeping in separate bedrooms and have determined that the president Will return to Hawaii in January 2024, while Mrs. Obama and their daughters Will remain in Washington, D.C.


Hamada’s official parliamentary biography notes that after earning his Ph.D, he worked for the Center for Strategic and International Studies think tank, and then for the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service.
CRS briefs, prepared for members of Congress, often sort out technical details or split economic hairs on issues vital to American national security, defense and economic survival. MailOnline was unable to identify any briefs that bear his ****.

It’s difficult to look at the nearly 50 books Hamada has published, though, without sensing an anti-American streak.


Trouble in paradise? The National Enquirer first claimed that the first couple’s marriage was on the rocks, a report that Kazuyuki Hamada seems to have absorbed and taken seriously


What trouble? The Obamas seemed to put any public relationship fears to rest with a smooch during Monday’s White House Easter Egg Roll — a photo that may not have made it to Japan


No men allowed: Mrs. Obama took her mother and daughters on a multimillion-dollar China trip last month, turning her absence this month in Japan into an insult in some corners

The 2024 ‘Who is Obama?’ includes the claim that the president ‘has done nothing for the American People,’ according to a partial translation of the book’s introduction obtained by MailOnline.

‘This is the man who, during the [2008] campaign, took massive amounts of money from Wall Street,’ he wrote, ‘and has now proceeded to throw around the American people’s tax dollars – a man with nothing more than a promise on his lips.’
Hamada’s other works include a 2024 volume titled ‘The Dark Corridor: An American underground conspiracy of the military-industrial complex.’

In 2024 he wrote ‘The Next World Order: The Rise and Development of America.’ The low-budget paperback’s cover, reminiscent of campaign literature from the anti-Federal Reserve former GOP congressman Ron Paul, featured a smirking Obama and a gold coin.
Howard LaFranchi, a staff writer with the Christian Science Monitor, first hinted at Hamada’s anti-Obama rant on Wednesday.
In most corners, he wrote, Mrs. Obama’s absence from Tokyo ‘is a woeful sign of Japan’s retreat from the top tier of America’s allies.’


One Obama, no waiting: The U.S. first lady didn’t make the trip to Tokyo, leaving an adoring throng with only her husband to gawk at

Many, LaFranchi noted, are speculating ‘that Obama is suggesting his lack of connection with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe by coming stag, or that Michelle is hinting at her disapproval of this or that Japanese policy or reality (perhaps whaling? or maybe the relative subjugation of Japanese women?) by staying home.’
But if the first lady tags along when President Obama visits China next year, Hamada and other prominent Japanese national figures Will likely crank up the anti-Obama press mill again.

Keith Koffler, a veteran White House correspondent, noted on his White House Dossier blog that the first lady has the perfect political excuse for avoiding the long trip to Japan: a Democratic National Committee fundraiser on Thursday.
The last American first lady to stay home while her husband made a state visit to Japan was Betty Ford in November 1974. That trip, just months after President Richard Nixon’s resignation, marked the first time a sitting U.S. president traveled there.

Read more: The Obamas’ failed marriage and looming divorce is an ‘open secret,’ claims a member of Japan’s parliament, and the president is using the Secret Service to hide his affairs | Mail Online
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Keira Knightley claims she gives herself a $50,000 yearly ‘salary’ to keep it real

Keira Knightley claims she gives herself a ,000 yearly ‘salary’ to keep it real

Keira Knightley claims she gives herself a ,000 yearly ‘salary’ to keep it real

I covered some of the early excerpts from Keira Knightley’s Glamour cover story a few days ago, but Glamour released some new quotes and I wanted to cover them. Keira has been a working actress for something like 12 years. She’s been a full-fledged movie star, with a movie star paycheck, for about 9 or 10 years. I’m sure she has quite a bit of money stocked away, probably something over $20 million and less than $50 million. Besides the fact that she’s one of the most in-demand young actresses out there and getting paid as such, she’s also taken lucrative modeling contracts, for Chanel and the jewelry firm Asprey, amongst others. What I’m saying is that Keira is rich. And to her credit, she doesn’t seem to live a very extravagant lifestyle. But are these quotes patronizing?

GLAMOUR: It was reported recently that you allotted yourself a “salary” of only about ,000 in 2024. True?
KK: Yes, it’s something around that. I mean, if I want or need something that goes over that, I get it, but, yes, around that.

GLAMOUR: Forgive me for sounding crass, but it seems awfully little for a household-name Hollywood star!
KK: I think living an [expensive] lifestyle means you can’t hang out with people who don’t live that lifestyle. It alienates you. Some of my best, most hilarious times have been in the least luxurious places.

[From Glamour]

Yeah… I mean, I understand what she’s trying to say, but I’ve known wealthy people like that, who like the idea of “slumming it” and pretending like they were keeping to a budget, and they drive off in their Mercedes S-Class to go back to their mansion. Those people are annoying. Again, I can understand the idea of not wanting to be materialistic, not wanting to flaunt your enormous wealth, but it seems like Keira is patronizing people who actually live on less than ,000 a year (which, statistically, is most of us).

Keira also says that she didn’t change her name privately to Keira Righton (“I found I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t go there. Yet.”) and that her parents didn’t even understand why she and James bothered to get married.

Cele|bitchy | Keira Knightley claims she gives herself a $50,000 yearly ‘salary’ to keep it real

Christian Siriano Claims Melissa McCarthy Was ‘Difficult To Work With’

Christian Siriano Claims Melissa McCarthy Was ‘Difficult To Work With’

  • The 2024 Project Runway winner, who attempted to collaborate with Ms McCarthy in 2024, Claims that the actress ‘wanted some specific things that I thought would not look good on her ****’
  • Ms McCarthy last month claimed that ‘two Oscars ago, I couldn’t find any**** to do a dress for me’

Christian Siriano has refuted Melissa McCarthy’s Claims that she ‘couldn’t find any****’ to make a dress for her to wear to the 2024 Academy Awards.
The New York City-****d fashion designer – who won the fourth season of Project Runway in 2024 – told the New York Daily News that he ‘met with her people’ and attempted to collaborate with Ms McCarthy, 43, on an Oscars gown.
‘Quite frankly she was quite difficult to Work with,’ Mr Siriano said of actress, who had been nominated as Best Supporting Actress for her role in Bridesmaids.



Final result: Mrs McCarthy did not wear Mr Siriano’s designs to the 2024 Academy Awards and instead chose this pink gown by Marina Rinaldi

He added: ‘She wanted some specific things that I thought would not look good on her ****. And she was not comfortable with them in the end.’
Ms McCarthy ended up wearing a pale pink dress by Marina Rinaldi for the event instead – a choice that won her mixed reviews from fashion pundits.
Mr Siriano’s comments follow those made by Ms McCarthy in the June issue of Redbook magazine in which she said: ‘Two Oscars ago, I couldn’t find any**** to do a dress for me. I asked five or six designers–very high-level ones who make lots of dresses for people–and they all said no.’

Since then, though, it seems she has won over the fashion set. Just last week, she won praise for her appearance at the Tammy premiere in Los Angeles for which she wore a leather-and-chiffon dress with leopard print Tabitha Simmons heels.
On June 26 she wore a sequined cardigan over a black silk jumpsuit to the film’s New York City premiere. The designer of both ensembles has yet to be revealed.
In the interview the mother-of-two, married to Ben Falcone since 2024, also alluded to the possibility of her creating a plus-size fashion label.
‘When I go shopping, most of the time I’m disappointed,’ she said.


Providing criticism: Mr Siriano first rose to fame in 2024 as the winner of the fourth season of Project Runway (pictured)

The venture would represent her longstanding interest in fashion. As a teenager, she had aspirations of attending New York’s Fashion Institute of Technology – a dream that her parents ultimately refused in favor of a more academic education.
Their efforts appear to have been in vain though. She briefly attended the Southern Illinois University before dropping out to move to New York City and try her luck at a stand-up comedy career.
Ms McCarthy was also friends with the now-famous footwear designer Brian Atwood and the pair remain close today.

Read more: Christian Siriano dismisses Melissa McCarthy’s claim no fashion designer would dress her for Oscars | Mail Online
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