Fox News denies it demoted anchor Shepard Smith when he wanted to come out as gay

Fox News denies it demoted anchor Shepard Smith when he wanted to come out as gay


Fox News anchorman Shepard Smith was reportedly ready to come out as gay last year, but his bosses weren’t keen on the plan. Has he since been punished?

In a story today titled “How Fox News Shoved Shepard Smith Back Into The Closet,” – and now vehemently denied by Smith and Fox executives – Gawker’s J.K. Trotter quotes “multiple sources” who say that Smith approached network president Roger Ailes last summer about publicly coming out.

Gawker reports that Smith told Ailes and other colleagues: “It’s time. It’s time.”

A few weeks before that conversation with Ailes, Smith reportedly surprised his colleagues by taking his boyfriend, a 26-year-old Fox producer, to the company picnic held annually over the Fourth of July weekend at Ailes’ home.

Sources tell Gawker that the couple’s appearance put “several Fox executives on high *****.”

Gawker contends that the subject came up during contract negotiations when “Shep wanted to and was ready to come out, and Roger just said no,” a Fox insider said.

Ailes allegedly told Smith that Fox’s audience would not tolerate a gay News anchor.

“But the discussion worried enough Fox executives to prompt Smith’s removal, in September 2024, from the channel’s coveted prime-time lineup,” Gawker reports.

“According to a Fox insider with direct knowledge of negotiations, Smith’s desire to come out was a large factor in the dramatic move.”

On Wednesday, Ailes and Smith issued a joint statement condemning the Gawker piece as “100% ***** and a complete fabrication.

“As colleagues and close friends at Fox News for 18 years, our relationship has always been rooted in a mutual respect, deep admiration, loyalty, trust, and full support both professionally and personally.”

Fox News executive Bill Shine, ****d in the Gawker story as one of the network honchos who didn’t want Smith to come out, issued his own statement.

“We have never asked Shep to discuss or not discuss his private life, and the notion of us having an issue with anyone’s sexuality is not only insulting, but pure fiction,” he said.

Fox News denies it demoted anchor Shepard Smith when he wanted to come out as gay –

انت حزين come with me here

انت حزين .. come with me here

انت حزين .. come with me here

اليوم قررت اتمشى انا وانتم في شواطىء السعادة

نسبح تارة وتارة تستنشق هوائه النقي … وتارة نجمع اصدافه البراقة ..

فيها اعيروني … كل جوارحكم وحواسكم لدقائق .. لنعيش لحظات ..

السعادة الحقيقة …فل نبدا بالمشهد الاول …

تخيل …. نفسك مكانهم .. الابتسامة لا تفارقم شفاتهم .. لماذا ..

…انه الرضا بالمكتوب … انت تقدر ان تكون انت سبب

سعادتهم بالانفاق عليهم .. والتلطف معهم …جربها..


تخيل نفسك يتيم لا أب يرعاك .. ولا ام تحن عليك…؟

فل تكن انت سبب في سعادة يتيم …

امسح على راسه .. ابتسم في واجهه.. قدم ما تستطيع لترا الابتسامة في وجهه…

فهنا تجد السعادة


الفقر يعتريها .. لكن رغم ذالك الكرم .. ينبثق منها ..

فلتكن انت سبب في سعادة انسان بالانفاق علية .. ولو باليسير ..

ربما تشعر بالسعادة ….


ابتسامه عابر .. تشعرنا بالفرح .. وتغمرني بالسعادة ..

فل تكن انت سببها .. لتسعد

ساعد معاقاً ..
وابتسم في وجهه .. وداعبه بكلمات..

براقة .. فوالله لتجدن السعادة في هذا الموطن ..

تخيل انك انت من يطعم الطفل …
السعادة ستعتريك ..

من جميع الجوانب … هنا نجد السعادة الحقيقية


لاعب اعمى .. وادخل الفرح الى قلبة … شجعة ..

اصنع املة .. وسوف تغزوك السعادة..


اسقى فقيراً بيدك.. وامسح عنة دموع الحزن ..

وابتسم في وجهه .. لتدخل السعادة الى قلبك ..

حن على يتيم .. امسح عنه غبار الحزن ..

ازرع فيه بذور الفرح .. لكي

تنبت السعادة في قلبك


عاود مريضا.. وشاهد ابتسامتة الخلابة .. حينا تهاجم..

بسلاح السعادة لتغرس سكين الفرح ..

في قلبك ..

لاعب فقيراً .. ولو لدقائق .. اشعره انك.. بجانبة ..

اسعد قلبه .. لكي تسعد نفسك

يتيم او فقير .. ملابس الامل والتفائل

وحب الحياة .. لكي يكسيك الله ثوب السعادة..


غطى… فقيرا ببطانية الحب .. لكي يتسلل دف…

السعادة لجسده .. البارد…

فسعادة لا تجدها الا اذا صنعتها … في وجه غيرك….

الوحـــدة 8 سوبر قول 3 come here

الوحـــدة 8 سوبر قول 3 …. come here
الســلام عليكم ورحمــة الله وبركاتــه
مســـاء الــخيــرات

I really want you to help me
ابــي عرض بور بوينت للوحــدة 8 سوبر قول 3 ضروووري

and ‘ll be thankfull ..

I come back

I come back


أولا السلام عليكم


ممنون لكل من ارسل وتفاعل مع صفحتي الأخيرة

سبحان الله راح اقول شي يمكن يكون مضحك او غريب

لكن بصراحه راح اقول

اني تكرر في منامي ان افتح رساله للعضوه حكاية هههه

وكذلك كأن هناك رسالة أخرى

فا رجعت هنا واكيد هناك اشياء حدثت وتغيرت

واكيد وضعي اصبح يختلف من حيث يصعب علي الاستمرار كما كنت هنا في السابق


شعرت أن لهذا المكان رائحة

لهذا المكان ذكرى

في هذا المكان أناس لا نعلم لماذا هم هنا

ولماذا رحل الآخرون


اشتقت للتحدث إليكم

وكل عام وانتم بخير


Catholic Nuns Come Out in Support of Obamacare Contraception Access

Catholic Nuns Come Out in Support of Obamacare Contraception Access

Catholic Nuns Come Out in Support of Obamacare Contraception Access


As the Supreme Court prepares to rule on the legality of private corporations denying women reproductive autonomy (because it says in the Bible that every pro-life human has a God-given right to trample upon the basic liberties of others), the National Coalition of American Nuns (NCAN) have announced that they Support the Affordable Care Act’s Contraception coverage. Yes!

This comes in stark contrast to another group of nuns, The Little Sisters of the Poor Home for the Aged in Colorado, who filed an emergency petition before the Supreme Court in the end of 2024. The Little Sisters of the Poor claimed that Obama’s birth control compromise — which mandates that non-profits opposed to Contraception on religious grounds can have a third party administrator cover it instead — still violated their religious freedom.

In a statement, the NCAN wrote:

NCAN is dismayed that the Little Sisters of the Poor, the University of Notre Dame and other Catholic organizations are challenging the Affordable Care Act. Spurred on by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops these organizations are attempting to hold hostage all women by refusing insurance to them for contraceptives.

"It isn’t ‘faith and freedom’ when reproductive autonomy isn’t extended by the Catholic Church to women," Sister Donna Quinn, head of NCAN, told Religion Dispatches. "It isn’t freedom when a woman can be held hostage by the owner of a business."

The Nuns have also started an online petition, which has almost reached its goal of 4,000 signatures. "We want to make clear that the sin is not a person using birth control. The sin is denying women the right and the means to plan their families," the petition declares. "Indeed, it is precisely because life is sacred that we Support the intentional and moral use of contraception."

It goes on, "We know that religious freedom means that each person has the right to exercise their own religious beliefs; religious freedom cannot mean that an individual or a corporation gets to impose their religious beliefs on their employees." Yes, exactly. There is no such thing as a "religious freedom" to force someone else to abide by your oppressive and antiquated logic. Bravo, NCAN.

Jay Cutler And Wife Kristin Cavallari Come Out As Vaccine Truthers

Jay Cutler And Wife Kristin Cavallari Come Out As Vaccine Truthers

Jay Cutler And Wife Kristin Cavallari Come Out As Vaccine Truthers Who Won’t Vaccinate Their Kids


In an interview on the Fox Business channel on Thursday, former reality TV show star Kristin Cavallari said that she and her husband, Chicago Bears quarterback Jay Cutler, won’t vaccinate their children over fears that vaccines may cause autism.

Cavallari, who is pregnant with her second child, told host Lisa Kennedy Montgomery that she and Cutler hadn’t vaccinated their first son and would not vaccinate their second one once he is born. When Montgomery challenged her by arguing that there is no real evidence showing that vaccines are harmful, Cavallari responded that she had “read too many books about autism” and cited the fact that one in 88 boys are diagnosed with autism today.

Cavallari also said that contemporary vaccines have higher levels of mercury than those in the past did — a common talking point among Vaccine Truthers — and that one anti-vaccine organization whose members refuse to vaccinate children had seen zero instances of an autism diagnosis.

Cavallari and Cutler have revealed themselves to be part of a burgeoning anti-vaccine movement that is terrifying public health officials. Researchers at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) warn that misinformation about vaccines’ safety is leading to an unprecedented resurgence in contagious diseases that were once practically eradicated in the United States, such as measles, mumps, and whooping cough.

CDC officials point out that in America, 80 percent of measles cases in 2024 presented among people who were never vaccinated, and 80 percent of those people cited “philosophical differences” for forgoing vaccination. Most recently, California health officials had to issue a public warning to Bay-area residents after just one unvaccinated man potentially exposed thousands of commuters to measles that he had contracted in Asia.

Every major global public health organization has repeatedly refuted the notion that vaccinations have any link to autism. But that message isn’t getting through to every parent. Even though childhood Vaccine exemptions have a direct relationship to infectious disease outbreaks, more than six percent of kindergartners in some states hadn’t received their shots last year — forcing officials in states with high rates of unvaccinated children, such as Oregon and Washington, to pass laws making it harder for parents who send their kids to public school to refuse vaccinations.


Read more at ONTD: Oh No They Didn't! – Jay Cutler And Wife Kristin Cavallari Come Out As Vaccine Truthers Who Won’t Vaccinate Their Kids