Theory about Faye Dunaway’s alleged adoption of her son

Theory about Faye Dunaway’s alleged adoption of her son

Okay, so I know that this might not be the latest news, but I didn’t know where else to post.

Anyway, I have this Theory – not that I necessarily believe it’s true. But hear me out:

Almost everyone seems to think that Faye Dunaway looks ethnically/racially ambiguous. Many people suspect that she is part black, others suspect that she is native American and Caucasian, while others suspect that she is equal parts east-Asian, black, and Caucasian. This would explain how she looked Caucasian in the beginning of her career, more Asian near the middle of her career, and black lately.

I know that the plastic surgery has a lot to do with her changing features. But at the same time, we know that that’s not all there is to it.

So, my Theory is that maybe she is indeed of mixed race, and avoided having a baby of her own for fear that the child might of came out Asian or black looking, thereby exposing once and for all her own mixed genetics.

What do you think? Do you think that Liam is really her son, or do you think he was adopted? And if he was adopted, do you think he was adopted as a way for Faye to hide her mixed-race biology? Or do you think Faye isn’t mixed-race as many suspect (that she is completely Caucasian as she presents herself), And that she only adopted because she truly wasn’t able to carry to full term?

What do you think is the truth about it?