Gwyneth Paltrow Once Threw a Dinner Party Where Everyone Barfed

Gwyneth Paltrow Once Threw a Dinner Party Where Everyone Barfed


Yeah, yeah — we’re aware not Everyone is a fan of the perfectly polished Paltrow.
And that the mere thought of her is enough to make some of you retch.

But Gwyneth herself is spilling the beans on an early ****ing mishap that literally left her dining guests losing their lunch. She was only 18 at the time, so we’ll give her a break.
“I went to the store and bought an eggplant and a jar of tomato sauce and some really rubbery mozzarella cheese, “she told Rachael Ray. “I didn’t know that when you **** eggplant, you first have to sweat it to get all the bitter juice out, and I didn’t realize that you also have to bread eggplant parmesan and fry it before. So I put slices of raw eggplant with jarred tomato sauce and mozzarella. And Everyone Threw up.”

Her ****ing has since improved, and she’s even announced she’s working on a third ****book that will focus on “clean comfort food” for the whole family:

I just run out of ideas for the kids and family. … I think I might do appetizers for a Party section because that’s always a tough one. It’s like you’re having a party, and you don’t want to be in the kitchen. Kind of make-ahead trays and stuff you can stick in the oven. I would love easy Party food and kid-family food, and that’s Where I am right now.

What did Gwyneth **** that made everyone throw up? | Entertain This!

Honey water – this is truly an awesome tool that is available to everyone

Honey waterthis is truly an awesome tool that is available to everyone

The following is not actual medial advice and should be read only for the lulz.

خليجيةUseful properties of honey, mixed with cold waterHoney waterthis is truly an awesome tool that is available to everyone. Positive impact on Honey water **** can not be overemphasized.● One teaspoon of Honey diluted in a glass of raw water. Obtain a 30% solution of honey, the composition of which is identical to the plasma. Honey in the raw water forms a cluster connection (it structures). this increases its healing properties. Honey water absorbed by the **** quickly and completely.● The effect of Honey water normalizes digestion. Improves the function of all parts of the gastrointestinal tract.● Increased immunity. Tested chronic colds, bronchitis, and thins out mucus from the lungs (the natural way – through the intestines).● Pritivoparazitnoe means● Digested blockages in the intestine, soluble stool. Bowel disease occurs. Site-specific fecal stones is in the waist area. So the first time receiving Honey water there are cases of increased waist. But that should not scare you. The explanation is simple: fecal stones swollen, become soft and begin to emerge from the ****.● There is cleaning the entire **** at the cellular level.● Increased anti-bacterial, anti-viral effect.● Normalized work colon.● Honey water in the medical purposes should be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach. Glass of Honey water to drink in one gulp. this is very important. Sphincter of the stomach immediately opens and fluid into the intestine, and then absorbed into the bloodstream.● Honey water wipe face. It nourishes the skin, leaving it soft, silky and soft. this natural cosmetics. The most ancient and modern at the same time.

Everyone Needs to Hear John McCain’s Speech on the CIA Torture Report

Everyone Needs to Hear John McCain’s Speech on the CIA Torture Report

Everyone Needs to Hear John McCain’s Powerful Speech on the CIA Torture Report

The long-awaited Report on CIA Torture tactics was publicly released Tuesday to widespread public outrage. We now know agents used horrific tactics on detainees suspected of terrorist activities, including forced rectal feeding, keeping detainees awake for 180 hours, forcing a prisoner to stand on broken feet and threats that agents would rape an inmate’s mother. One prisoner even died from hypothermia while naked from the waist down and shackled to the walls of his cell.

As legislators respond to the report, one stood out in particular: Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), who told the Senate the incidents have "stained our national honor."

"The truth is sometimes a hard pill to swallow," McCain said. "It sometimes causes us difficulties at home and abroad. It is sometimes used by our enemies in attempts to hurt us. But the American people are entitled to it, nonetheless."

McCain knows a little more about this topic than most. Shot down Oct. 26, 1967, in Vietnam, McCain was tortured by North Vietnamese intelligence officials for years. So when he talks about torture, people should listen. He’s one of our only elected representatives to have experienced it firsthand.

"I know from personal experience that the abuse of prisoners will produce more bad than good intelligence," he said. "I know that victims of Torture will offer intentionally misleading information if they think their captors will believe it. I know they will say whatever they think their torturers want them to say if they believe it will stop their suffering.

"Most of all, I know the use of Torture compromises that which most distinguishes us from our enemies, our belief that all people, even captured enemies, possess basic human rights, which are protected by international conventions the U.S. not only joined, but for the most part authored."

McCain is furious, but not surprised: McCain accused some colleagues of propagating "misinformation," suggesting that releasing the Report was a security risk. He basically accused members of the intelligence community and Congress who claimed the Report was too incendiary to release of lying.

"The entire world already knows that we water-boarded prisoners. It knows we subjected prisoners to various other types of degrading treatment. It knows we used black sites, secret prisons. Those practices haven’t been a secret for a decade," McCain said. "Terrorists might use the report’s re-identification of the practices as an excuse to attack Americans, but they hardly need an excuse for that. That has been their life’s calling for a while now."

Finally, McCain suggested intelligence officials were attempting to cover-up the fact that Torture is a terrible way of extracting reliable information from prisoners and that over-reliance on it likely cost American lives.

"What might come as a surprise, not just to our enemies but to many Americans, is how little these practices did to aid our efforts to bring 9/11 culprits to justice and to find and prevent terrorist attacks today and tomorrow," he said. "That could be a real surprise, since it contradicts the many assurances provided by intelligence officials on the record and in private that enhanced interrogation techniques were indispensable in the war against terrorism.

"And I suspect the objection of those same officials to the release of this Report is really focused on that disclosure — torture’s ineffectiveness — because we gave up much in the expectation that Torture would make us safer. Too much."

But ultimately, McCain said his opposition to Torture had nothing to do with its effectiveness but out of a conviction that "Our enemies act without conscience. We must not."

McCain isn’t some kind of hippie peacenik. He’s actually one of the crankiest, most ornery war hawks in the Senate. McCain’s the kind of politician who believes America Needs to yell loudly and carry an even bigger stick, so his testimony against Torture can’t be interpreted as some kind of rank political flip-flopping.

In fact, McCain has a long record of speaking out against acts of torture. He previously argued that a botched execution in his state amounted to torture, and before the report’s release, deemed certain CIA practices in the War on Terror "unconscionable." In 2024, he forced President George W. Bush to sign a ban on torture, which it looks like the CIA ignored anyway, and has been mostly consistent on the issue since.

So when McCain says Torture is never justifiable, you should listen, even if you disagree with him on everything else. Because this isn’t a crafty McCain trying to navigate the political winds or backtrack on a position he now knows was a mistake. This is a man speaking from a genuine well of conscience — and anger that the U.S. allowed itself to sink to such lows.

Everyone Needs to Hear John McCain’s Powerful Speech on the CIA Torture Report – Mic

CDAN September 29th 2024 – Everyone Is Trying To Kill It

CDAN September 29th 2014Everyone Is Trying To Kill It

Blind Item #1
This B list celebrity offspring with A list name recognition seems to have the family issue of addiction and is back on drugs. The problem is he got his wife hooked and she is in much worse shape. Really bad shape.
Popular Guess: Jack Osbourne

Blind Item #2
She has never been shy about shocking the world or keeping a secret. She can do both. Right now though she might be hiding the biggest secret out there. Only back in LA for a few days before heading out again, this closeted A- list mostly movie actress got married to her girlfriend. Oh how a certain portion of fandom will go crazy when she finally talks about it. Oh, and she will.
Popular Guess: Kristen Stewart

Blind Item #3
This foreign born former A list television actor with an unusual name who does movies and television was supposed to star in a franchise that he has appeared in previously but couldn’t pass the drug test. the supposedly sober star told his girlfriend that the producers just decided to go in a different direction. After he beat her senseless when he was drinking before, she told him she would leave him if he touched another drop, let alone start using drugs again.
Popular Guess: Jonathan Rhys Meyers

Today’s Blind Items- Everyone Is Trying To Kill It
Never have so many people been working so hard to get the story of this cheating quashed. The problem is what Everyone is willing to trade. It has so many moving parts and Everyone needs to contribute or it will get out. At first glance, it does not seem like that big of a deal. A married A- list mostly movie actor who has been around for what seems forever despite his relatively young age. Television and now movies, this is his time. He has an interest in keeping it quiet from his wife. His lover is not married, and she is a B list mostly television actress from a middling network show that is due to go to syndication. The producers of the show and the studio that produce it want no bad news to shake the money that syndication will bring. You might stay to yourself that people will probably still watch it. True. There is one little tiny problem though and that is our actress has also slept with someone else and if that is discovered then production would come to a screeching halt. If the first story is released then a certain someone on the show is going to start putting together some puzzle pieces. It could get really nasty really quick. The problem is there is nothing really to trade that the tabloid wants except for money. They would like a piece of some movies from our A lister and a tiny slice of that syndication pie. Their bottom line has been struggling and they see this as a new cash opportunity for them. They will still dig the dirt, but instead of printing it, they will sell the rights to the story. If some other tabloid stumbles on the story, they won’t care because they still get paid. They will look kind of strange because they will be forced to ignore the story and not write about it, but the cash outweighs all of that.
Popular Guesses: Jason Bateman, Chris Pratt for the actor

Mr. X Blind Item #1
Crazy Days and Nights: Mr. X Blind Item #1
Which A-list Oscar winning/nominated actor who keeps on teasing the press about his sexuality forbade his partner/possible husband to appear on any TV shows without his permission. Well, the partner did appear on one cable reality show, mostly as a favor to the show’s producer (whom his better half despises).

Mr. X Blind Item #2
Crazy Days and Nights: Mr. X Blind Item #2
What former B-list actress and now a C-list f**kup drank like a fish before what was supposed to be her comeback?

Mr. X Blind Item #3
Crazy Days and Nights: Mr. X Blind Item #3
In an irony of ironies, which B-list mostly television actor/host sold some drugs to that B-list rapper whom he now has made enemies with?

Mr. X Blind Item #4
Crazy Days and Nights: Mr. X Blind Item #4
What former A+ list R&B songstress and still A+ list diva who was big in the ’80s and ’90s is currently in a relationship… with a woman?

Mr. X Blind Item #5
Crazy Days and Nights: Mr. X Blind Item #5
What A-list actor and Oscar winner/nominee is worried that he’ll be the next victim of the celebrity photo *******? He has tons of XXX-rated pics on his iCloud, mostly of him in the act with his longtime boyfriend.

Mr. X Blind Item #6
Crazy Days and Nights: Mr. X Blind Item #6
What B-list actress, model and celebrity spawn was overheard saying to one of her friends "Who the hell did she f**k to get that job?" She being that B-list reality star sibling.

Mr. X Blind Item #7
Crazy Days and Nights: Mr. X Blind Item #7
What A+ list Oscar winning/nominated actor has really let his weight balloon (drugs? booze? probably both) and his **** odor reek. He says it’s for an upcoming movie role, but his coworkers will tell you he does this whenever he’s idle.

Mr. X Blind Item #8
Crazy Days and Nights: Mr. X Blind Item #8
What newlyweds were seen going into separate hotel suites after their elaborate ceremony? Wonder if their real significant others were waiting for them?

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حول الكيبورد الي بيانو واعزف اجمل المقطوعات مع برنامج Everyone Piano

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CDAN November 17th 2024 – Beards For Everyone

CDAN November 17th 2014Beards For Everyone

Blind Item #1
After years of being the biggest supporter to a charitable organization and their spokesperson, this B+ list mostly movie actress married to an A+ list mostly movie actor dropped all of her support and her $2M annual contribution because they would not elect her as the head of their board. For the first time in a decade she was absent from their big annual event.
Popular Guess: Jennifer Garner (The Art of Elysium)

Blind Item #2
This permanent A list singer who is an American icon and lover of hats has been buying clothes from the same dress shop for the past forty years. Every single one of those dresses has a size 12 tag in it. About thirty years ago when our singer began gaining a little weight she told the owner of the store there must be some mistake when he handed her a size 14 dress. She made it very clear to him she was a size 12 and was proud of staying a size 12. Never again has she been handed anything other than a size 12.
Popular Guess: Aretha Franklin

Blind Item #3
This birthday party had two separate parties going for it. The first part of the night, was held in a private room in the back of a club and that is where our closeted former A list tweener hung out with other guy friends and enjoyed male strippers and a lot of enhanced entertainment from those strippers. Then, the public part of the party happened out front where our former tweener had his girlfriend of the moment show up and they did their thing for the cameras. No cameras were in the back room.
Popular Guesses: Zac Efron, Nick Jonas

Blind Item #4
This up and coming MTV star on a ******ed show who also has some other big projects was celebrating her birthday the other night and decided to try coke for the first time. It should probably be her last time considering she overdosed when she kept mixing everything else she always does with the coke.

Blind Item #5
This married B+ list mostly television actress with A list name recognition due in no small part to her A++ list significant other passed out while filming her show last week. The actress is convinced she is gaining weight even though she has never weighed less in two decades. The pill diet is probably not helping either.
Popular Guess: Portia de Rossi

Blind Item #6
With sales at her career lows and a boyfriend cheating on her and all of the legal messes this former A+ list singer has got herself into the past few years it was not a shock that she attempted suicide six weeks ago. What was crazy is that she didn’t even take a day off after it happened because she couldn’t afford it.
Popular Guess: Lady Gaga

Today’s Blind Items – Beards For Everyone
If you can afford a very expensive beard for yourself, and you like the new found attention to how straight you are, then why not Beards for everyone. In 2014 this A list athlete has spent about $500K for the limited amount of time he has spent with his very high profile beard. It has worked though. She is the best at what she does and she gets the attention and knows how to maximize dollars spent. The only loose end as far as his people have been concerned is his ex-boyfriend. Yes, the same one who caused a whole lot of noise when they split and despite a payoff could also cause trouble. Our athlete has millions of dollars in endorsements and those are way more important to him right now than coming out. He figures he can do that when his playing days are over. So, what to do about the ex? How about hire him a beard? Not as high profile but the money has been spent buying followers on social media and creating fake accounts which promote this new relationship and give it some legitimacy. The ex agreed to do it for a little while and some extra money, but he still is a very volatile loose end and I think at some point he is just going to say f**k it and spill everything.
Popular Guess: Aaron Rodgers, Olivia Munn and Kevin Lanflisi

Mr. X Blind Item- Easy Easy
Mr. X Blind Item- Easy Easy – CRAZY DAYS AND NIGHTS
Which talk show hostess did a lot of apologizing over the phone to family and coworkers of the subject of that biopic she executive produced? She had to explain to them that her name was tacked on as a sort-of damage control and she had no final say about the film’s content. Well she’s right on that part. Maybe the family and coworkers need to get over it and stop whitewashing the past.

Popular Guesses are from CDaN Companion