Westboro Baptist Church founder Fred Phelps Sr. ‘on the edge of death’

Westboro Baptist Church founder Fred Phelps Sr. ‘on the edge of death’

No one’s going to protest against this guy’s death.

Westboro Baptist Church founder Fred Phelps Sr. has been admitted to a hospice facility and is “on the edge of death,” his estranged son revealed.

The 84-year-old preacher established the small Kansas Church in 1955 and made it a household **** by picketing funerals, public events and businesses with hateful signs attacking gay people, Jews and others.

“I’ve learned that my father, Fred Phelps Sr., pastor of the ‘God Hates F–s’ Westboro Baptist Church … is now on the edge of death at Midland Hospice in Topeka, Kansas,” son Nathan Phelps wrote on Facebook.

Steve Drain, a Westboro spokesman, confirmed Sunday that Phelps is in ill health.

“I can tell you that Fred Phelps is having some health problems,” Drain said. “He’s an old man and old people get health problems.”

In his Facebook post, Nathan Phelps, who left the Church 37 years ago, said Westboro excommunicated his father in August.

Drain declined to comment on whether Phelps has been voted out of the Church he established.

“I’m not sure how I feel about this. Terribly ironic that his devotion to god ends this way. Destroyed by the monster he made,” Nathan Phelps wrote in the post, which had been shared more than 1,000 times as of Sunday night.

“I feel sad for all the hurt he’s caused so many. I feel sad for those who will lose the grandfather and father they loved.”

Westboro members frequently protest at the funerals of American soldiers with signs bearing messages like “Thank God for dead soldiers” and “Thank God for 9/11,” claiming the deaths are divine punishment for the country’s tolerance of homosexuality.

They first attracted widespread attention by picketing the 1998 funeral of Matthew Shepard, a Wyoming college student tortured and killed in an anti-gay attack.

The Southern Poverty Law Center, a civil rights nonprofit organization, has described Westboro as a hate group, and some people reacted to Nathan Phelps’ Facebook post with glee.

“Thank God he is almost dead!!! Party time!” user Victor Purchase wrote below the post.

Others preached goodwill.

“I may not have supported his lifestyle. In fact, I stand for everything his Church is against. But that doesn’t give me the right to be happy about someone dying,” wrote Corey Bartley.

The church’s sick activities inspired a federal law limiting protests at funerals for soldiers along with numerous state restrictions on picketing at funeral sites.

Just Wednesday, a federal judge upheld a Missouri law requiring protestors to stay at least 300 feet away from funeral sites.

But Westboro won a First Amendment victory in 2024 when the U.S. Supreme Court said Church members couldn’t be sued for money damages for inflicting pain on grieving families.

Read more: Westboro Baptist Church founder Fred Phelps Sr. ‘on the edge of death’ – NY Daily News

Hell will welcome him with open arms.

Weinstein Co. Buys Michael Keaton’s McDonald’s Movie ‘The Founder’

Weinstein Co. Buys Michael Keaton’s McDonald’s Movie ‘The Founder’

Weinstein Co. Buys Michael Keaton’s McDonald’s Movie ‘The Founder’

The Weinstein Co. has acquired distribution rights to Michael Keaton project “The Founder,” the story of how Ray Kroc turned McDonald’s into a global fast food empire.
FilmNation is producing along with Jeremy Renner and Don Handfield, through their shingle theCombine. The company plans to shoot later this year with John Lee Hancock directing.
The story, developed in the vein of “The Social Network,” will focus on how Kroc — a milkshake dispensers salesman created one of the most powerful brands in the world. Kroc began working for the McDonald brothers in 1954 at the age of 51 as a franchising agent and bought the chain for $2.7 million in 1961.
“The Wrestler” scribe Robert Siegel wrote the ****** for “The Founder.”
Keaton is also starring in Universal-Legendary’s “Kong: Skull Island.”
TWC had no comment on the news, first reported by the Wrap.
UPDATE, Monday, 12:28 p.m. PST — TWC is on board as a co-financier and shooting will start in mid-May in Atlanta. FilnNation has closed sales for Studiocanal in the UK, Elevation Pictures in Canada, Roadshow Films in Australia, Europacorp in France, Splendid Film in Germany, Videa in Italy, Sun Distribution in Latin America and Mis Labels in Scandinavia.
Michael Keaton’s McDonald’s Movie Bought by Weinstein Co. | Variety

Weinstein Co. Buys Michael Keaton’s McDonald’s Movie ‘The Founder’

Weinstein Co. Buys Michael Keaton’s McDonald’s Movie ‘The Founder’

Weinstein Co. Buys Michael Keaton’s McDonald’s Movie ‘The Founder’

The Weinstein Co. has acquired distribution rights to Michael Keaton project “The Founder,” the story of how Ray Kroc turned McDonald’s into a global fast food empire.
FilmNation is producing along with Jeremy Renner and Don Handfield, through their shingle theCombine. The company plans to shoot later this year with John Lee Hancock directing.
The story, developed in the vein of “The Social Network,” will focus on how Kroc — a milkshake dispensers salesman created one of the most powerful brands in the world. Kroc began working for the McDonald brothers in 1954 at the age of 51 as a franchising agent and bought the chain for $2.7 million in 1961.
“The Wrestler” scribe Robert Siegel wrote the ****** for “The Founder.”
Keaton is also starring in Universal-Legendary’s “Kong: Skull Island.”
TWC had no comment on the news, first reported by the Wrap.
UPDATE, Monday, 12:28 p.m. PST — TWC is on board as a co-financier and shooting will start in mid-May in Atlanta. FilnNation has closed sales for Studiocanal in the UK, Elevation Pictures in Canada, Roadshow Films in Australia, Europacorp in France, Splendid Film in Germany, Videa in Italy, Sun Distribution in Latin America and Mis Labels in Scandinavia.
Michael Keaton’s McDonald’s Movie Bought by Weinstein Co. | Variety

"Party Monster" Club Kids co founder to be released

"Party Monster" Club Kids co founder to be released

"The Club Kids co-founder, famously played by Macaulay Culkin in the druggy 2024 biopic, will be set free May 5 after serving time in a New York prison for murder and dismemberment. Club Kids co-founder Michael Alig soon will be a free man again after serving 17 years for the murder and dismemberment of drug dealer Andre "Angel" Melendez on March 17,1996."
‘Party Monster’ Michael Alig to Be Released From Jail – Hollywood Reporter

Horrible subject but think it should be brought up on gr….