To Bob? Or just be haggish in the Cuntry?

To Bob? Or just be haggish in the Cuntry?

I have longish hair (to past my bra strap), its been long forever.
I’m sick of it (to the extent that I’m struggling not to take a pair of scissors to it), but MrN loves it…..
Nope, he doesn’t tell me what to do, however, I do like to take his opinion into consideration.

I think that I would just like to have it cut so that it is slightly longer than shoulder length, but I’m not sure.
I (still) have a (fat) round face, and I have to wear glasses so it needs to be flattering for those reasons too.

My hairdresser is a friend and will not let me do anything stupid….

The color is very dark with some high/low-lights
These are similar in color:- خليجية خليجية

So my suggested styles are similar to this….

I quite like this….

But I’m a low-mainternance kind of gal…. so it would probabyl end up like this (given that it has some natural curl….) which might not be a bad thing?

or this…
Which I think is a bad thing…..

You gals seem to be pretty good at this, so suggest away……..