Gloria Gaynor – I’m Not Homophobic .Just Really Religious

Gloria Gaynor – I’m Not Homophobic…Just Really Religious…ot-homophobic/


Just Really Religious


Gloria Gaynor requested no shirtless men be in her line of sight during her performance at a gay bar Thursday night … but not because she’s homophobic — her people say the singer is just deeply religious.

The "I Will Survive" singer took a trip to the Abbey in West Hollywood — a gay mecca — and performed her new song … but the gig was delayed when Gaynor insisted managers remove all go-go dancers from the room.

The place is known for it’s scantily clad men in speedos … but Gloria’s people say the 64-year-old diva was just protecting her image — and it had nothing to do with the strong possibility the men were gay.

In fact, the rep says Gloria is an equal opportunity offender … and makes an effort to never take pics with shirtless men OR provocatively dressed women.

Check out the picture at the Abbey. You could make the argument it’s kinda Religious ….


Nicholas Sparks is allegedly a racist, homophobic, anti-Semite

Nicholas Sparks is allegedly a racist, homophobic, anti-Semite

Nicholas Sparks is a homophobic, anti-Semitic racist who ironically also disrespects Alzheimer’s patients … according to the Jewish ex-headmaster of Sparks’ Christian school.

Saul Hillel Benjamin claims in a new lawsuit — obtained by TMZ — he was hired to run the Epiphany School for Global Studies founded by Sparks in 2024.

Benjamin says he began complaining to the author of "The Notebook" and others … the school had virtually no African Americans — 2 out of 514 students. Benjamin claims Sparks responded, "Black students are too poor and can’t do the academic work."

Benjamin also says Sparks got incensed when he [Benjamin] met with the NAACP North Carolina chapter, telling the headmaster to "engage only in private and less visible contact with African Americans."

The lawsuit goes on … claiming Sparks ignored bullying claims by gay students and even lent support to a student group that wanted to enact a "homo-caust."

Benjamin also claims Sparks publicly humiliated him by forcing him to get up in front of the entire school and justify his Jewish heritage. He says the parents of the students hurled insults at him while the board applauded.

Benjamin says he was fired and Sparks — who famously wrote "The Notebook" about a couple’s love transcending Alzheimer’s — telling others in the school to ignore Benjamin’s claims because he was suffering from Alzheimer’s.

Benjamin’s lawyer, Douglas Wigdor, tells TMZ … "Apparently, despite the efforts our society has made, Mr. Sparks wants to travel back in time and vilify those who promote diversity and tolerance of all people regardless of their sexual orientation and race."

We reached out to Sparks’ people … so far no comment.

Read more: Nicholas Sparks — Sued By School Headmaster — He’s A Racist, Homophobic, Anti-Semite |