I came THIS close to involuntarily joining the Where’s That Bitch At thread .

I came THIS close to involuntarily joining the Where’s That Bitch At thread…..

Last night, when I was driving home – about 3 miles away, I saw THIS HUGE plume of black smoke up ahead on the side of the road. It turned out to be a car on fire:


As I got closer, I could see That it was the worst freaking car fire I have ever personally seen in my life. The whole thing – from bumper to bumper – was one giant ball of yellow flame. In the pic below, you can see a white car behind the ball of flame. I don’t know what That guy was doing because he wasn’t an emergency vehicle.


An ambulance and police care whizzed past. People were trying to get around by going to the left. Like you can see me doing above. But dumbasses were stopping and gawking. I was basically stuck.

So, finally a couple of cars start to clear out, but there is one dumbass still blocking me. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing but the flaming car appeared to be moving – BACKWARD.

After staring with my mouth hanging open for a second, I could see it moving clearly, and it was going diagonally across traffic toward where the dumbass and I were stopped.

At the last second, the dumbass pulls ahead, giving me about 5 seconds to get clear of a flaming ball of fire That is rolling directly toward me. I drove down in the ditch to get away, and I could literally feel myself almost ****ing as THIS thing slowly rolled by. After it got about 25 feet past me, it stopped. And exploded. Not a huge explosion, but an explosion. Now, I’m stuck in the ditch on the left. I try to drive straight out, but the effing netting in the ditch is making my tires spin. Finally I crank my car perpendicular to the guardrail and drive backward out of the ditch and back onto the road. The whole time I’m doing that, a state trooper is staring at me like "Isn’t That something!"