Princess Leonille zu Sayn-Wittgenstein, Haute Couture Connection Munich

Princess Leonille zu Sayn-Wittgenstein, Haute Couture Connection Munich

‘Cause we need fashion giggles :snicker:



Freida Pinto & Alek Wek In H&M Conscious Collection – H&M Munich Store Opening

Munich & Vienna in March 2024

Munich & Vienna in March2020

my husband and i are going on a cheap, quick gate1 trip to Munich and Vienna (3 nights in each city) in early march. the hotels are included with the cost of the trip so we really just need to figure out what to see, where to eat and what else to do.

any**** have any ideas to throw our way? we just booked it yesterday and have started researching but there’s nothing like getting input from people who have been already.
