Ozzy Osbourne says 9/11 attacks were ‘my kind of craziness’

Ozzy Osbourne says 9/11 attacks were ‘my kind of craziness’

Ozzy Osbourne has made the ill-advised admission that he was "excited" by the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
The Black Sabbath musician was in New York when the fatal incident took place, killing nearly 3,000 people.
"I wasn’t scared, I was excited! It was my kind of craziness, y’know," he said.
"The day after that happened, there was f*cking no**** in New York. I remember standing on the steps of the hotel, and – you know when you see an old cowboy film and that tumbleweed rolls past on the ground? There was newspapers just floating around on the streets. It was so f*cking weird," he continued.
"Every**** just backed off Manhattan because they didn’t know if it was an all-out thing or what."

While he may have been unperturbed by the Twin Towers attacks, Osbourne does consider Isis a threat and believes that the Jihadist militant group (also known as Islamic State) may use nuclear arms before long.
"I hope this Isis lot don’t get going," he told Shortlist. "I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s in mankind to try to kill each other for one thing or another. And I think sooner or later one of these crazy f*ckers is going to get a nuclear weapon or some f*cking thing, and f*ck a lot of people up.
"That’s in our nature. I hope it won’t happen, but it looks like it could happen if they get it."
He revealed that he was not a fan of Bill Clinton or George Bush ("They’re very strange people"), although sympathises with Bush for having to deal with the 9/11 attacks so early on in his presidential career.
"I don’t suppose he expected World War 3 to begin when he got voted in, did he?" said Osborne. "It was a bit of a shocker, a kick in the pants. He hadn’t been in office more than five minutes and 9/11 went down."

Ozzy Osbourne on 9/11 attacks: ‘I wasn’t scared, I was excited!’ – People – News – The Independent