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Woman bites driver’s finger off at New Jersey mall after she steals her parking spot

Woman bites driver’s finger off at New Jersey mall after she steals her parking spot

I only know one bad "B" word I want to know just what they called this lady before chowing down on her digits?

Woman bites driver’s finger off at New Jersey mall after she steals her parking spot

PARKING WARS: Tonya Knight-Joseph had just pulled into a space outside the Cherry Hill mall, when two women approached and starting cursing at her for cutting in. When she put her hands up, one of the suspects bit right through her digit and took it off.
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Monday, March 10, 2024, 7:45 AM
Read more: Woman bites driver’s finger off at New Jersey mall after she steals her parking spot Â* – NY Daily News


A race for a parking space at a New Jersey mall turned ugly when an angry Woman bit off another driver’s finger, police said.

Cops were called to Cherry Hill Mall’s parking lot Saturday afternoon shortly after the bloody dispute between the motorists.


Tonya Knight-Joseph claims she had just parked up by Aisle 18 at 4 p.m. — after circling several times — when two women approached.

They accused her of pinching their space.

"As soon as I got out of the car (one of the women) started calling me all types of B-words," Knight-Joseph told ABC.

"She got this close to my face, her nose touched my nose. She was yelling and screaming then she hit me in the face," she added.

Scratched, Knight-Joseph said she "put up her hands in defense" but was then one of the women bit on the finger.

"It was hanging off by a little piece of skin," Knight-Joseph said.

After dialing 911, presumably with another digit, she was advised by dispatchers not to chase the suspect but instead report to Cooper University Hospital.

Treated with tetanus shots and tested for HIV, she is still waiting to find out if part of her finger will have to be amputated.

Police have released an image of the suspect, with officers saying they are desperate to track her down.

"This is a very big deal, beyond an assault. She went through to the bone, the bone is actually fractured, and the finger was nearly severed," Cherry Hill Police Lt. Amy Winters said.

"This is an aggravated assault and it’s something very serious. You’re always concerned with bites, also with infections," she added.

The suspect is described as a black, heavy-set female in her mid-30s with bushy hair. She was driving a dark-colored Audi sedan.

Anyone with information should call Cherry Hill Police Department on (856) 488-7828.

Read more: Woman bites driver’s finger off at New Jersey mall after she steals her parking spot Â* – NY Daily News

Discovery of graves affects UMMC parking plan (1,000 bodies)

Discovery of graves affects UMMC parking plan (1,000 bodies)

Discovery of graves affects UMMC parking plan | The Clarion-Ledger | clarionledger.com

Discovery of graves affects UMMC parking plan

1,000 bodies may have been asylum patients

Future progress for the state’s longtime medical school has collided with the ghosts of Mississippi’s past — the Discovery of a 1,000 bodies buried on its campus and the likelihood of more.Officials of the fast-growing University of Mississippi Medical Center had planned to build a parking garage east of the dental school, where a grove of trees now sits.But testing in the area revealed 1,000 bodies, believed to have been patients at the Mississippi State Lunatic Asylum a century ago.“None have ****s,” said Dr. James Keeton, dean of the medical school.Paying for reburials elsewhere would cost about $3,000 apiece, or $3 million total, he said. “We can’t afford that.”New plans include building the parking garage next to the dental school, he said.Others plans may have to change, too. Medical center officials had hoped to use the property west of the dental school for future expansion, but Keeton said they might have to rethink that approach, because other bodies may lie beneath the earth — former slaves, TB victims and possibly even Civil War dead.The UMMC ground on which Keeton and Gov. Phil Bryant recently stood to announce construction of the $11 million American Cancer Society Hope Lodge is believed to contain yet more bodies.For that reason, UMMC officials said both the lodge and a new Children’s Justice Center would likely have to be relocated on the 164-acre campus, where both space and parking seem to be growing scarce.The State Lunatic Asylum opened on the site in 1855, housing 150 patients.Eight years later, the Union’s 46th Indiana Infantry Regiment arrived at the asylum. One soldier wrote that the patients “were terribly excited and were seen at the ******s shouting to the soldiers.”Readying for the siege of Jackson, the soldiers set up camp, built fortifications and grew vegetables to sustain themselves, said Jim Woodrick, director of the Historic Preservation Division of the state Department of Archives and History.During the ensuing battle, Confederate soldiers fired back and hit the asylum, injuring at least one patient, he said.By the time the Union Army left, one soldier penned that Jackson is a “ruined town,” he said.After the Civil War ended, the mental facility expanded to house 300 patients, and the area became known as “Asylum Hill,” a neighborhood that included houses, a school and a church for former slaves, Cade Chapel M.B. Church.The area eventually saw construction of a fertilizer factory, a Baptist orphanage and a sanatorium for those suffering from tuberculosis.The hill had several cemeteries: one for asylum patients, one for M.B. church members and one for paupers. Some have suggested there may be Civil War graves there, too.In 1935, Mississippi moved the asylum to its present ******** at Whitfield.

There is a video at the link, this page was ridiculously hard to copy. I thought it was interesting that they found so many unmarked graves when there was an official cemetery available.