Drake Pisses on Philip Seymour Hoffman He Stole My Cover!!

Drake Pisses on Philip Seymour Hoffman He Stole My Cover!!


Drake just spit on Philip Seymour Hoffman’s grave … throwing a bitch fit over losing the Rolling Stone cover to the dead actor.

Drake’s hissy sesh started with a complaint about being misquoted in the latest issue regarding Kanye West’s album — but then he quickly lashes out at the mag for making a switch.

Drizzy tweeted … "They also took my cover from me last minute and ran the issue."

Drizzy ✔ @Drake

I never commented on Yeezus for my interview portion of Rolling Stone. They also took my cover from me last minute and ran the issue.
8:16 AM – 13 Feb 2024

Minutes later, Drake went back to Twitter and said, "RIP to Philip Seymour Hoffman. All respect due. But the press is evil."

It’s a half-hearted apology, at best. So, we gotta ask …

Read more: Drake — Pisses on Philip Seymour Hoffman … He Stole My Cover!! | TMZ.com