Crowd Cheers As Russians Beat Same-Sex Couple In Powerful New PSA

Crowd Cheers As Russians Beat Same-Sex Couple In Powerful New PSA

Crowd Cheers As Russians Beat Same-Sex Couple In Powerful New PSA / Queerty

Crowd Cheers As Russians Beat Same-Sex Couple In Powerful New PSA

In a Powerful new PSA produced by the Russia Freedom Fund and Athlete Ally, discrimination is proclaimed “the newest Olympic sport.”

Released by The Fair Games Project, the two-minute spot features a happy Same-Sex Couple holding hands on a sporting field, only to be beaten by a team of Russian bullies while an onlooking Crowd cheers, celebrates, and offers high scores in unwavering approval.

The new Russia Freedom Fund was launched late last year in collaboration with the ILGA-Europe and Russian LGBT activists to draw global attention to the alarming treatment of LGBTs in Russia. The Fund’s first video, above, has garnered more than 70,000 views on YouTube in two short days.

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