CDAN May 28th 2024 – Not Quite Famous Enough

CDAN May 28th 2014 – Not Quite Famous Enough

Blind Item #1
This former B list mostly television actress with a **** confused with another actress and has had a rough year or two since being fired from the hit cable show was kicked out of a restaurant the other night after being caught orally servicing her male companion in a garden about ten feet from other diners. They apparently thought the potted plant would give them privacy.
Popular Guess: Paz de la Huerta

Blind Item #2
When this B list mostly television actor who got a second and third chance is working on his cable television show, his girlfriend has been known to engage in a threesome with this other celebrity couple. Our actor tried swapping with the couple once, but said it isn’t for him. He has had his own share of threesomes in the past though. There was this one time back on his old show that he hooked up with one of the leads and a friend of hers.
Popular Guess: Jeremy Piven

Blind Item #3
This Downton Abbey actress went on a few dates with this foreign born almost A list mostly television actor who every woman seems to love. She says they split because he went all Fifty Shades Of Grey on her and she is more of a turn off the lights and close your eyes kind of lover.
Popular Guesses: Michelle Dockery and Benedict Cumberbatch, Laura Carmichael and Benedict Cumberbatch

Blind Item #4
This B list entertainer(singer) didn’t have her sober companion with her on a recent trip and spent an entire night locked in her hotel room drinking everything in sight. She wouldn’t accept any calls and had her cell phone turned off. Room service just kept delivering booze even when a friend called the hotel and told them not to.
Popular Guess: Kesha

Blind Item #5
This married almost A list mostly movie actor is a really great actor, but not the best husband. He is starting to age and has been in some really great movies. He was spotted with a woman who was not his wife at dinner but got totally freaked out and got up abruptly and walked out of the restaurant leaving the woman there. He never came back. They were seated together for about five minutes when he left.
Popular Guesses: Paul Rudd, Dennis Quaid

Blind Item #6
This east coast Housewife should know that her husband has been seeing two different women on a fairly regular basis. I can’t believe the wife doesn’t know about them. It is not like he is trying too hard to hide. Not Ramona Singer. Not Teresa Giudice. Not Melissa Gorga.
Popular Guess: Peter Thomas

Blind Item #7
This B list mostly movie actor keeps getting parts ****d on his looks, but with no discernible acting talent. With no franchise to help him any longer and bombs aplenty from his roles, he needs something. Maybe his backup plan is the son of the royal he has been seeing the past month.
Popular Guess: Kellan Lutz

Blind Item #8
This NBA announcer paid off a guy who is gay and who our NBA announcer thought was hitting on him.So, our NBA announcer punched the guy and called him some not very nice ****s. Well, no one ever accused the announcer of being gay friendly.
Popular Guesses: Charles Barkley, Chris Broussard

Blind Item #9
This B list mostly movie actress sibling of an almost A list mostly movie actor had a meeting which was a formality prior to being cast in a new movie. She was such a pain to everyone she met that day and acted like a diva that the director told the producers he couldn’t work with the actress. The producers decided to hire her anyway and she signed the contract. Before shooting even began everyone decided she had to go and the producers ate her entire $2M salary just because she wasn’t worth the hassle.
Popular Guess: Maggie Gyllenhaal

Today’s Blind Items – Not Quite Famous Enough
This actress used to be A list. It was a brief run at the top of the list, but her time there imprinted her on the world and she still continues to enjoy A+ list **** recognition even though her first movie was about 30 years ago. It is hard to believe it has been that long since she made her entrance. It was that same time period that also saw one of her first co-stars get his start in movies. He is A+ list now. Our actress always had a thing for guys who were bad boys. She was known as someone who wouldn’t mind if you wanted to rough her up a little bit and she was supposedly very willing to do whatever any guy wanted. Some say she was abused as a teen which led to this type of relationship. Sometimes the guys got completely out of hand and she suffered her fair share of beatings. One of those beatings kept her unemployed for three months and she lost a major role because of it. Her career never recovered after that miss. To say she has dated some of the more Famous figures of all-time would be fair to say. One of those people was enamored with her and spent millions of dollars on her. Well, the movie version of her. Our actress did her best acting when she was with this guy. He flew her all over the world and she still has millions of dollars of jewels he gave her and is living off the money she received during and after the relationship even though it ended almost 20 years ago. The reason he left her was because he found someone even more Famous than our actress. She really couldn’t believe she was being dumped, at least for someone who was roughly her same age. She would show up at the guy’s apartment and his homes around the world and one time was thrown in jail because the guards of his new A+ list celebrity girlfriend viewed her as a threat. She finally backed off after that visit and a nice healthy check from her boyfriend’s dad. That is how he usually handled the affairs of his son.
Popular Guess: Daryl Hannah, Tom Hanks for the co-star, Dodi Fayed, and Princess Diana for the A+ list celebrity girlfriend