or be generally disrespectful to anyone else in this reddit

or be generally disrespectful to anyone else in this reddit
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Betty White Reddit AMA

Betty White Reddit AMA

Betty White Explains the Time She Did a Live Golden Girls Taping for the Royals in Reddit AMA

UPDATED 04/29/2014 at 01:00 PM EDT • Originally published 04/29/2014 at 12:00 PM EDT

  • خليجية

Who knew that some of the wealthiest women in the world were so enthralled with the adventures of four Florida retirees?

That’s one of the amazing stories from Betty White‘s recent Reddit AMA, in which the 92-year-old television legend recalled the time the Golden Girls cast flew to London for a live performance of a Golden Girls ****** for the British Royal Family – all at the behest of the late Queen Mother, who was a huge fan of the show.

"It was very exciting," White told the Internet message board. "The Queen was lovely. We were told not to address her unless we were addressed. She was up in a box and she came down on stage after with Princess Anne. She said, ‘Lovely, pretty girls’ and I said, ‘Not bad bodies,’ and she said ‘Oh, no, not bad bodies!’"

According to White’s 2024 memoir, the Queen in this anecdote was the late Queen Mother, who would have been in her eighties at the time.

Other highlights from White’s AMA session:

She has a few choices for who should play her in a biopic

With classic humor, Betty White brushed off one of the standard AMA questions: Who would she want to play her in a movie? "I would love it if it were Meryl Streep or Julie Andrews," she wrote, "but they would probably get someone like Chris Rock."

She survives on less sleep than you do

At 92, White has a standard daily routine. She wakes up at 6:30 a.m., goes to work at Hot in Cleveland and comes home and answers mail before turning in "around midnight." Yes, Betty White only gets six and a half hours of sleep a night. Remember that next time you come into work hungover on a Wednesday.

This was her favorite Tonight Show bit to film:

"Johnny and I were sitting at a café table on stage, and a ton of water came pouring out washing us off stage," she remembered. "The producer said, ‘Pretend it washes you away.’ Pretend?! It was 500 gallons!"

Her favorite Golden Girls cast member was Rue McClanahan

"Just being with all the girls was wonderful," Betty recalled, but she had a special bond with McClanahan. "We used to have riddles for each other between scenes and when the scene was over, we would give each other the answer."

She’s got one tip for having so much energy at her age

How has White aged so well? "Thanks to my mom and dad, good genes." Elsewhere, she answered the question of how she keeps her sense of fun: "Because I’m childish at heart!"

Tilda Swinton talks about Brad Pitt, gambling & lovers during her Reddit AMA

Tilda Swinton talks about Brad Pitt, gambling & lovers during her Reddit AMA

Reddit: How manytimes have you walked in on George Clooney wearing the Batsuit?
I’m holding onto a large stash of Polaroids..

I have a theory that you’re a clone of David Bowie created right around the Modern Love era so that he could continue being a musician as well as star in more movies. So far I’ve discovered no evidence to the contrary. Do you have any opinion on that?
The laboratory gave me strict instructions to issue no comment

I wanted to know if you are into the comedy scene? Do you go to any shows? Do you have any favorite comedians current or past?

I loved your performance on The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. What was an interesting experience you had while filming?

The time when Fincher failed to notice that BP and I had arranged two potatoes and a carrot in a specific configuration on the kitchen table we were sitting at.. and had to have it pointed out to him at the END of a take..

Yo girl. I was curious, if you hadn’t become an actress, what do you think you may have ended up doing for a living?

Professional gambler

Och aye, good afternoon Tilda. I heard you have a young lover and an old lover, is this true? If so why? Do you think this affects people’s perception of you?

This is not true, lukeyrads.. it never was.. someone once ran with a misunderstanding.. I suppose there may be people out there who believe it, though, so their perception would be skewed.. I’m sorry if this is a disappointment for any****..

[From Reddit]

Full interview

I am Tilda Swinton, AMA. : IAmA

Cele|bitchy | Tilda Swinton talks about Brad Pitt, gambling & lovers during her Reddit AMA

Jeff Goldblum Did a Reddit AMA

Jeff Goldblum Did a Reddit AMA


1. Recently the director of the upcoming Jurassic Park sequel tweeted that there is a shirtless cardboard cutout of you in the production office. How do you feel about the fact that all through the production of that film, your unique breed of intelligent 90s sexiness will be imbuing the crew?

This is the first I’ve heard about that at all.Happy to help out however I can.

2. What is the best advice ever given to you?

Ooooh.Gee. The best advice ever given…to me… Let’s see. Oh boy. This is a good one. The best advice ever given to me is fill your days with what you love doing. Also, you know, contribute as substantially as you can to the community, and, uh, something the opposite of what the opposite of what the character does in Wolf of Wall Street. Do something worthwhile and substantial, not with any sales technique or baloney on top of it, and give as much as you can. The opposite of the Wolf of Wall street, but I don’t know how to put that into a pithy piece of advice. And also, put down your device, whatever it is, when you cross the street. Stop, look, and listen. Both equally important.

3. When I consider your work, I can think of no moment I find funnier than the following, from the Life Aquatic:

“What’s your dog’s ****?”
“Be still, Cody.”

Hahaha! Yeah, that moment was meant for comedy of a dark or grayish kind. And so mostly I remember Wes and I laughing about it as we were doing it.

4. Are you aware that someone slowed down your apple ads so it sounded like you were drunk?If so did you approve?

Yes. I’m aware. And yes, I approve heartily. Beige.

5. Hi Jeff, big fan of the Grand Budapest Hotel over here. What was it like working with such an esteemed cast and director? Is Wes Anderson as weird in real life as I imagine him to be?

Working on that movie and with that cast was one of the big thrills of my life. And I don’t find Wes what I would call weird at all. He’s unique, super-special, a genius, and out of this world.

6. What was it like being covered in all that hair in Earth Girls Are Easy?

Blue hair says I! Hot. I mean, sweaty. But, um, provocative.

7. What does Conan O’Brien smell like? I get the feeling that you intimately know this answer off the top of your head.
Hahaha. Uh, a field of wildflowers. And that’s just his head.

8. What is your favorite dinosaur?I have you pegged for a stegosaurus man.

I’m no expert but since childhood I’ve had a fondness for the triceratops, because I read a kid’s book about a kid who finds an egg in his backyard, and it’s a triceratops, and he rides it. Remember that book? [The Enormous Egg by Oliver Butterworth] That’s the one! And then they take him to Washington. Boy, you’re into dinosaurs, you really know them.

9. Mr. Goldblum, if you could splice your DNA with another organism, what would you choose and what would be your ****?

Hahahaha. Let’s see. Off the top of my head, I’d splice myself with a dolphin, and my **** would be Surf Goldblum.

10. Can you tell us something about yourself that we may find surprising?

Hahaha. Surprising. Hmmmm. I’ve never had a cavity or a filling. See? You’re surprised.

11. My roommate Tim wants to know what was the strangest/weirdest thing about working on The Fly?
The strangest or weirdest thing? Strange or weird, not wonderful, not all the passion that we had for it, not David Cronenberg who was wonderful, I guess I could divert to answering some other question, but to answer more specifically…well, you know, in a scene that they cut out of the movie, I had to, you know, I was in almost full Fly transformation (incarnation? Is that the word I want to use? costume) and I had to slide down this angled wall over and over again by being covered all over my **** with KY Jelly. That’s kind of weird and strange.

12. I’ve always wanted to know, it it pronounced Gold-bloom or Gold-bluhm?

Hahaha. However you want would be fine. I myself say bloom to rhyme with Zoom.

The 12 Best Answers Jeff Goldblum Gave During His Reddit AMA

Reddit Cracks Down on Unauthorized Nude Photos

Reddit Cracks Down on Unauthorized Nude Photos

Site restricts pornographic material posted without consent following celebrity Nude leak

February 24,2020

Before the massive Sony cyber-attack pried the doors off the inner workings of a Hollywood studio, the privacy of dozens of actresses, singers and models like Jennifer Lawrence, Kate Upton and Kirsten Dunst was similarly violated after their iCloud accounts were infiltrated, resulting in scores of leaked Nude Photos spread across the web. As one of the most trafficked sites on the internet, Reddit – which freely shared the leaked Photos in a sub-forum dubbed "The Fappening" – was viewed as assisting in the dispersal of these illegal photos, drawing criticism to a website that had recently received a venture capital bump of $50 million.

Now, according to the New York Times, Reddit has issued a new privacy policy banning any user from posting pornographic images or video without the permission of the person involved.

"I really want to believe that as we enter the next 10 years of Reddit life, essentially the most trafficked media site on the Internet, the opportunity here to set a standard for respecting the privacy of our users," Reddit’s co-founder and executive chairman Alexis Ohanian told the Times.
Besides the new privacy policy, Reddit will also better train their moderators with tutorials to deal with similar situations in the future, create the role of a "head of community" to teach users how to self-govern their forums and make it easier for users to report violators of the privacy policy directly to Reddit.

Following the celebrity Nude leak, which Lawrence called a "sexual violation," the Digital Millenium Copyright Act necessitated the closure of sub-Reddits that were exchanging the photos. "While current U.S. law does not prohibit linking to stolen materials, we deplore the theft of these images and we do not condone their widespread distribution," Reddit’s chief executive Yishan Wong wrote in a blog post following the Fappening.

"We uphold the ideal of free speech on Reddit as much as possible not because we are legally bound to, but because we believe that you – the user – have the right to choose between right and wrong, good and evil, and that it is your responsibility to do so."

Reddit Cracks Down on Unauthorized Nude Photos | Rolling Stone

Reddit Cracks Down on Unauthorized Nude Photos

Reddit Cracks Down on Unauthorized Nude Photos

Site restricts pornographic material posted without consent following celebrity Nude leak

February 24,2020

Before the massive Sony cyber-attack pried the doors off the inner workings of a Hollywood studio, the privacy of dozens of actresses, singers and models like Jennifer Lawrence, Kate Upton and Kirsten Dunst was similarly violated after their iCloud accounts were infiltrated, resulting in scores of leaked Nude Photos spread across the web. As one of the most trafficked sites on the internet, Reddit – which freely shared the leaked Photos in a sub-forum dubbed "The Fappening" – was viewed as assisting in the dispersal of these illegal photos, drawing criticism to a website that had recently received a venture capital bump of $50 million.

Now, according to the New York Times, Reddit has issued a new privacy policy banning any user from posting pornographic images or video without the permission of the person involved.

"I really want to believe that as we enter the next 10 years of Reddit life, essentially the most trafficked media site on the Internet, the opportunity here to set a standard for respecting the privacy of our users," Reddit’s co-founder and executive chairman Alexis Ohanian told the Times.
Besides the new privacy policy, Reddit will also better train their moderators with tutorials to deal with similar situations in the future, create the role of a "head of community" to teach users how to self-govern their forums and make it easier for users to report violators of the privacy policy directly to Reddit.

Following the celebrity Nude leak, which Lawrence called a "sexual violation," the Digital Millenium Copyright Act necessitated the closure of sub-Reddits that were exchanging the photos. "While current U.S. law does not prohibit linking to stolen materials, we deplore the theft of these images and we do not condone their widespread distribution," Reddit’s chief executive Yishan Wong wrote in a blog post following the Fappening.

"We uphold the ideal of free speech on Reddit as much as possible not because we are legally bound to, but because we believe that you – the user – have the right to choose between right and wrong, good and evil, and that it is your responsibility to do so."

Reddit Cracks Down on Unauthorized Nude Photos | Rolling Stone