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Star: Nicole Kidman & Keith Urban’s marriage is on the rocks because of Botox?

Star: Nicole Kidman & Keith Urban’s marriage is on the rocks because of Botox?


Keith Urban has been racking up the frequent flier miles! After working two days a week on American Idol, he’s been regularly hopping on an airplane for 14 hours to visit his wife Nicole Kidman, who’s living with their two daughters in Sydney, Australia.
For the country singer, spending time with his family right now may be crucial. In fact, sources close to the couple tell Star that the Aussies have been struggling with their marriage lately. For the past six months, they’ve been spending most of their time on different continents, and the time apart will continue now that Keith has extended his tour into the summer.

According to our insiders, the separation has left the actress fuming, which is what’s led her husband of seven years to constantly be taking the grueling trip Down Under.
“He’s groveling,” the source explains. “He told her that he wants to put their family first and get their marriage back on track.”
Distance isn’t the only factor, either – Keith’s flirting and Nicole’s jealousy has also become an issue, and all the trouble is weighing heavily on the Grace of Monaco star. “She has nightmares about being on her own again — especially after she was so badly hurt when Tom Cruise ditched her,” the insider adds. “She dreads what might be around the corner.”

[From Star Magazine]

Cele|bitchy | Star: Nicole Kidman & Keith Urban’s marriage is on the rocks because of Botox?

#اختبارات و فحص الصخور tests and examine the rocks#

#اختبارات و فحص الصخور tests and examine the rocks#
يطيب لنا نحن المركز الدولى للتدريب والإستشارات تنظيم دورة تدريبية
#اختبارات و فحص الصخور
1- الأهداف :-
 يهدف البرنامج تزويد المشاركين بأهمية ودور الاختبارات الخاصة بالصخور و طرق الفحص الخاصة بها .
 تنمية مهارات المتدربين بأهمية الاختبارات و الفحوص التى تتم على جميع انواع الصخور المختلفة .
3- المرشحون للحضور :-
 الفنيين في المعامل البترولية و المواقع البترولية المختلفة فى الشركات و المؤسسات .
أماكن الانعقاد
( الامارات – تركيا – ماليزيا – المغرب – فرنسا – الولايات المتحدة –المملكة المتحدة – الاردن – قطر – السعودية – النمسا – جمهورية مصر العربية )

يقدم المركز الدولى للتدريب والاستشارات العديد من الدورات التدريبية فى جميع المجالات
#المحاسبة والمالية
#الموارد البشرية
#الإدارة والتطوير الذاتي
#المشتريات والمخازن واللوجستية
#إدارة الجودة والإنتاج
#السكرتارية وإدارة المكاتب
#علاقات عامة واعلام
#الهندسة : #الكهربائية، #الجودة ، #الانشائية ، #الميكانيكية ، #البترول ، #الزراعية ، #المساحة
#الأمن و السلامة المهنية
#البيئة وسلامة الاغذية
#تقنية معلومات , امن وشبكات
#التسويق والمبيعات وخدمة العملاء
#المطارات والموانئ والملاحة

يحصل المتدرب فى نهاية البرنامج التدريبى على :
شهادات معتمدة من المركز الدولي للتدريب والاستشارات (itcc) باللغتين ( العربية والإنجليزية ) مع امكانية إصدار شهادة معتمدة من جامعة كامبريدج

للتسجيل او لطلب المحتوى التدريبى يرجى الاتصال او ارسال بريد الاكترونى
الأستاذ/ اسلام الصعيدى
خصم خاص للمجموعات والهيئات الحكومية

Kate Hudson and Matthew Bellamy ‘on the Rocks’

Kate Hudson and Matthew Bellamy ‘on the Rocks’

They had a whirlwind courtship, welcomed a baby and got engaged in a little over a year.
But it seems wedding plans for Kate Hudsonand Matthew Bellamy are on hold for now.
"Kate and Matt have been on the rocks for some time," a source close to Hudson tells PEOPLE in the magazine’s new issue. "They’re not in a great place."
In December, the couple and their 2½-year-old son, Bingham, were together in Australia, where Bellamy’s band, Muse, was playing. They spent Christmas in the U.K. with Bellamy’s family, skipping Hudson’s mom Goldie Hawn’s annual Christmas getaway in Aspen.

Since then, Hudson has been seen out with family and friends – but not Bellamy – in L.A., New York and at the Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah, where she promoted her film Wish I Was Here.
On Tuesday night, Hudson showed up solo at Bulgari’s Decades of Glamour bash at L.A.’s Soho House, where she was spotted without her 9-carat engagement ring.
Despite this, the source says the couple "are still living together. Kate is not giving up."

Reps for the pair did not comment for this story.
Hudson, 34, and Bellamy, 35, met in April 2024 at the Coachella Music Festival in California. Hudson told InStyle in 2024, "Matthew was polite and immediately protective, which for some**** like me who’s all over the place – one minute I’m over here and the next I’m over there – is important."
She continued: "I wanted to talk to him and be with him all the time. On our first dates we would take long walks and talk the entire day."
In April 2024, the couple got engaged, and that July, they welcomed son Bingham. (Hudson also has a 10-year-old son, Ryder, with ex-husband Chris Robinson of the Black Crowes.) Since then, the couple have split their time between California and London, where Hudson purchased a home in 2024, and last summer shot her upcoming film Good People.

When asked in January about wedding planning, Hudson told Kelly Ripa and Michael Strahan: "No, I’m planning nothing right now. I’m so busy, we’ve been so busy, and it’s been great. I come from an unconventional family – my parents aren’t married. So there’s a part of me that goes, ‘If I’m going to do it, I’m going to do it right’ … So, no. Not anytime soon, no."

Kate Hudson and Matthew Bellamy ‘on the Rocks’: Source – Couples, Kate Hudson, Matthew Bellamy : People.com

"أوبل" تعلن عن نسخة S من سيارتها "Adam Rocks"

"أوبل" تعلن عن نسخة S من سيارتها "Adam Rocks"


أطلقت شركة أوبل نسخة S من سيارتها Adam Rocks نظير سعر يبدأ من 19 ألف و990 يورو.

وأوضحت الشركة الألمانية أن الموديل الرياضي Adam Rocks S، الذي يندرج ضمن فئة السياراتالميني كروس أوفر، يمتاز بأنه أكثر انخفاضاً من الموديل Adam Rocks التقليدي بمقدار 15 ملليمتراً.

ويعتمد الموديل Adam Rocks S الجديد على سواعد محرك بنزين تربو سعة 4ر1 لتر وبقوة 110 كيلووات/150 حصان.

وبفضل هذه القوة تنطلق السيارة الرياضية المزودة باسبويلر سقف من الثبات إلى سرعة 100 كلم/ساعة في غضون 5ر8 ثانية، بينما تقف سرعتها القصوى عند حاجز 210 كلم/ساعة.

ويبلغ استهلاك السيارة Adam Rocks S الرياضية 9ر5 لتر/100 كلم، ما يوازي 139 جم/كلم من انبعاثات أكسيد الكربون.

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