Adam Sandler Movie: Native American Actors Walk Off Set

Adam Sandler Movie: Native American Actors Walk Off Set

Adam Sandler Movie

Native American Actors Walk Off …

Netflix Says They’re Missing the Joke

37 minutes ago BY TMZ STAFF

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A group of Native American Actors quit an Adam Sandler movie because they feel it’s insulting and racist … but Netflix says the outraged Actors are missing the whole point of the film.

The movie is called "The Ridiculous Six" and is being produced just for Netflix. It’s described as a spoof on "The Magnificent Seven" … starring Sandler, Nick Nolte, Steve Buscemi, Dan Aykroyd, Jon Lovitz and Vanilla Ice.

But the spoofing went too far Wednesday, in the eyes of a dozen Actors and actresses who walked off the set. Some of the offending jokes included female characters named Beaver’s Breath and No Bra — and a scene where an Apache woman urinates outdoors while smoking a peace pipe.

Netflix is defending the Sandler flick, saying it’s all a joke. A Netflix rep tells TMZ, "The movie has ridiculous in the title for a reason: because it is ridiculous." The rep says it’s intended to be a satire of Westerns and the stereotypes popularized in the genre. The rep adds … the diverse cast "is not only part of — but in on — the joke."

This wasn’t the first day of filming. In fact, Loren Anthony — one of the pissed Actors had previously tweeted how much he was enjoying the project. But after today’s Walk out he said, "Today work was no bueno, my Native women were disrespected and i walked off set."

Read more: Adam Sandler Movie — Native American Actors Walk Off … Netflix Says They’re Missing the Joke |

Rose McGowan Calls Out Adam Sandler As Sexist

Rose McGowan Calls Out Adam Sandler As Sexist


Rose McGowan’s Agent Fired Her For Calling Out Adam Sandler






By: The Superficial / June 25,2020@theredmond

Exactly as some of you predicted, Rose McGowan has reportedly beendropped by her agent for calling out Adam Sandler because production notes for his newest movies asked her to wear a push-up bra. In an Adam Sandler movie! Here’s the initial



And here’s how that ended:
Look, if Rose McGowan wants to talk about the shit that goes on with casting couches or young actresses being fed to Bill Cosby so he could “allegedly” rape them, I’m all ears. But to complain that the depth of your character in an Adam Sandler movie is “has nice tits,” you lost me. That’s like getting a job at Hooters then acting surprised you have to wear booty shorts and pretend you want to fuck every dude you wait on.

She’s probably right, but considering she’s not exactly a hot commodity in Hollywood right now I’m thinking this probably won’t help her career.