Danny Masterson Sounds Off on Scientology Movie, Says Haters Can "Go F–k Yourself"

Danny Masterson Sounds Off on Scientology Movie, Says Haters Can "Go F–k Yourself"

خليجيةDanny Masterson Sounds off on Scientology hatersCredit: Gregg DeGuire/WireImage
Tell us how you really feel! Former That ‘70s Show actor, and practicing Scientologist, Danny Masterson sounded off on critics of his religion in a candid (and expletive-filled) interview with Paper magazine conducted at the Sundance Film Festival ahead of the premiere of controversial ********ary Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief. Masterson, in short, told the mag that those who think his religion is “weird” can “go f–k” themselves.
PHOTOS: Fellow Scientologist Tom Cruise
"I heard about that ********ary; the ********ary where they interviewed eight people who hate Scientology. Should be pretty interesting. I wonder if Sundance would allow a ********ary of, like, eight people who hate Judaism. But you know, my religion’s fair game, I guess, ’cause it’s new," Masterson told the mag, before going in to detail about his religion and those who frown upon it.
"There’s basically like 200 lies in the book and so therefore he couldn’t even publish that book [in Canada or the UK because the libel laws],” he added, referring to Lawrence Wright’s book, which inspired the buzzed-about ********ary.
Masterson, who started practicing the religion at age 8, went on to explain that it’s hard to explain Scientology to those who haven’t read founder L. Ron Hubbard’s book Dianetics. Essentially, he says, “Everything in Scientology is just based on logic…the word Scientology means the study of knowledge.”
PHOTOS: Celebs fight back
“There’s nothing else to it,” he adds. “It’s literally just that.” When it comes to his “personal relationship” with founder Hubbard, Masterson candidly added: “He’s a f–king guy who wrote awesome s–t that I love studying.”
After explaining the roots of the religion, Masterson then got into the battle between Scientology and psychiatry, and, not to mention, former follower Paul Haggis, who left the church on account of gay marriage.
“You will not find a Scientologist who does not f–king hate psychiatrists,” he sounded off. “Because their solution for mental and spiritual problems is drugs. So let’s talk about putting a Band-Aid on something that’s just going to get worse and worse and worse…[where as] Scientology handles those things, those mental problems that people have. It gets rid of them. It gets rid of them by that person doing it for themselves. That’s the solution to depression, not f–king Prozac.”
As for Haggis, Masterson said his anger “had nothing to do with Scientology.”
PHOTOS: Sundance2020
“[It’s] so stupid. What Paul was angry at made perfect sense, but it had nothing to do with Scientology,” he explained. “Paul was just mad that, as a religion, we’re not going to come out and say that we are for or against anything, which is a political matter…It’s like, ‘We have no opinion in the world of politics. We are a religion.’”
The interview with the magazine was a first for Masterson, who said he had yet to openly discuss his philosophy before. But, it likely won’t be the last.
“I love doing it and have no problem doing it,” he concluded. "I work, I have a family and I’m a spiritual being who likes to understand why things happen in the world and want to learn more so that I can have them not affect me adversely. So if that’s weird, then, well, you can go f—k yourself

Read more: Danny Masterson to Scientology Haters: "Go F–k Yourself" – Us Weekly
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Has Hilary Duff joined the cult of Scientology in the wake of her split?

Has Hilary Duff joined the cult of Scientology in the wake of her split?


Hilary Duff has been all over the place, as usual, following her split with her hockey player husband, Mike Comrie. Hilary has an uncanny ability to get papped at a level that is in no way consistent with her mild amount of fame. So that means that her moves are also examined in a way that doesn’t seem warranted, given her career. The sleuths over at Radar Online have noticed that Hilary is hanging out with lifelong Scientologist, Alanna Masterson, (Chris and Danny Masterson’s sister) and that she’s been sporting a temporary tattoo that is a mishmash of Scientology symbols. So will Hilary eventually get to know Xenu? (After she either pays a million dollars or does a Google search?) Here’s what Radar says:

The actress has been spotted hanging with the Young Hollywood Scientology crowd in the weeks since announcing her split, RadarOnline.com has learned, and even rocking a temporary tattoo with Scientology symbols!

Duff recently hit up the Coachella music festival with longtime friend — and super Scientologist — Alanna Masterson.

Rumored to have recently dated Tom Cruise’s son Connor Cruise, Masterson has been a member of the Church most of her life, along with her brothers Chris Masterson and Danny Masterson…

Masterson’s dad, Joe Reaiche, has since left the church, and recently spoke out about his concern for how deeply Masterson is enmeshed in it.

“I paid for my kids to go to private Scientology school but it’s a total fraud,” he said. “…Recently Alanna gave them $25,000 because they told her they could give her superpowers. That’s on top of the normal 50 to 100 grand a year she pays in fees.”

Could she be sharing her beliefs with Duff? The actress was spotted rocking a mysterious temporary tattoo during the girls’ time together at Coachella — and it included Scientology symbols!

At the center of the doodle was a small triangle, a symbol of “the utmost importance” in Scientology, according to the church’s official ***site. Known as the “ARC” or “Affinity, Reality and Communication” triangle, it “greatly assists interpersonal relationships,” according to Scientology.org, and gives Scientologists “a greater understanding of life itself.”

Another important triangle in Scientology is the KRC Triangle, which represents “Knowledge, Responsibility and Control.” Finally, the symbol for Dianetics, the church “technology” that helps the mind “overcome [the reactive mind[ and reach the state of Clear,” according to the Scientology ***site. As such, triangles are to be found throughout Scientology literature.

In addition to the triangle, Duff also appeared to be inked up with a tiny rendition of an image similar to the Scientology cross — a cross with tiny diagonal rays between the horizontal and vertical arms. This is the symbol most frequently used to represent the church.

Duff’s temporary tat was not visible when she stepped out in L.A. days later.

[From Radar Online]

Hilary and Alana posted that boob-grabbing Instagram to show off that tattoo, they knew what they were doing. Whether Hilary knew exactly what it meant is up to question though. The photo is from two months ago so maybe it was just a goof. You would think that Hilary would be seen visiting the Scientology centre or something in the interim if this was true, but we’ll see.

This is going to sound mean, but Duff seems gullible enough to get involved with a cult if one of her buddies tells her it’s the thing to do. Hopefully if she’s dabbling she’ll do a cursory google search and realize what a terrible mistake that would be. She surely reads the celebrity blogs, she has to know what Leah Remini has been going through at the very least. I’m sure the Scientologists tell ridiculous smear stories about Leah and all the people who have the wherewithal to get out though. (They make idiotic ***sites against their enemies after all.) It seems like anyone who gets involved with Scientology at this point has to be willfully ignorant of all their abuses. That’s why celebrities are particularly targetable, many of them are comfortable in their little bubbles.

Cele|bitchy | Has Hilary Duff joined the cult of Scientology in the wake of her split?

Tom Cruise Quitting Scientology For Suri?

Tom Cruise Quitting Scientology For Suri?

Tom Cruise Shocker: Quitting Scientology For Daughter, Suri — Report
Wed, July 1,2020 5:58pm EDT by Michelle Phi

Credit: Getty Images

Tom Cruise to leave the Church of Scientology for his daughter? Insiders claims Tom is over the church telling him what he can and can’t do when it comes to Suri Cruise — he allegedly plans to break free from Scientology to watch Suri grow up in peace.

This is huge news! After years of being involved (and controlled by the church), Tom Cruise, 52, is reportedly Quitting Scientology for good and it’s all for daughter Suri Cruise, 9! After a heartbreaking phone call with Suri, the actor allegedly realized he’s missing out on all of her milestones and the only way to get back into the young girl’s life is to cut ties with the church.
An insider explained to Star magazine how Tom’s recent phone call with Suri made him realize he needed to get out. “She was going on and on about her ballet class and how much she loves it. That’s when Tom realized he’s never seen her perform ballet and he started to tear up,” the insider claimed. “It hit him that she’s growing up before his eyes and he’s not there to witness most of it. They talk on the phone and video chat, but it’s not the same.” Phone calls and video chats for Tom and Suri can’t really replace spending actual, physical time with each other, especially since Suri is so young.

The source went on to explain the predicament Tom is allegedly in. “Tom has been under tremendous pressure where Suri and Katie are concerned because the church doesn’t want him close to them. They can’t stand that their own poster boy isn’t raising his child in the church,” the source said. “If they label Suri a suppressive person (a Scientology term for an enemy of the church), as they’ve been known to do with dissenters, that would make it hard for Tom to have a relationship with her. He’s between a rock and a hard place, but he’s finally making a choice to put his daughter first,” the source continued.
Will Tom Cruise Really Leave Scientology To Spend More Time With Suri?

Yes! He obviously misses her.
Nope, highly doubtful.
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Source:Tom Cruise Leaving Scientology For Daughter, Suri Cruise? — Shocking Details – Hollywood Life

“Tom has missed birthdays, school events, all the special parts of childhood that happen so fast and are gone before you know it. Suri is not a baby anymore; she is fully aware that her father isn’t around much,” said the insider. “When she speaks to him on the phone, it’s becoming more and more like she’s talking to a stranger.” That’s so unbelievably sad! If Tom does break free from the church’s grip, there’s no telling if the 52-year-old will be able to mend his relationship with his ex, Katie Holmes, 36, but at least he’ll be able to spend more time with Suri without having to report back to Scientology officials.

John Travolta Was Assigned 24/7 Scientology Minders After His Son Jett Died

John Travolta Was Assigned 24/7 Scientology Minders After His Son Jett Died

Under Surveillance? John Travolta Reveals He Was Assigned 24/7 Scientology Minders After His Son Jett Died & He Was Reportedly Questioning His Faith

As high-profile Scientologists like Leah Remini continue to fleethe church, those who remain continue to receive VIP treatment. perhaps in the hopes that they’ll stay in the fold. Indeed, A-list Scientologist John Travolta has revealed that when his son, Jett, died four years ago — and reports swirled that Travolta was questioning his faith — the church Assigned him full-time Minders who stayed by his side nearly 24/7 for more than two years!

“They were with me every day After Jett died,” he recently told the U.K.’s Telegraph. “They even traveled with me when I needed to get away!”

“And for two solid years it was like that,” he revealed. “It was only in the second year that I started to take a break of a day or two just to see how I was doing on my own.”

At that time, Scientology expert Rick Ross claimed there were “strong rumors coming out of Scientology that John Travolta is disappointed that the religion was not able to help his son more. It’s led him to question his faith.”

But despite the old rumors, Travolta insists, “I don’t know what I would have done if I hadn’t had the support of Scientology. I don’t think I could have got through it.”

Elsewhere in the no-holds-barred interview, Travolta also describes how he came to be involved in the church back in the 1970s.

On the set of The Devil’s Rain in Mexico, he told the Telegraph, “I wasn’t well, and [a Scientologist co-star] gave me what’s called an ‘assist.’ I got well very quickly After that … 30 minutes later.”

Once bak in L.A., he signed up for a Scientology course and the rest is history.

Under Surveillance? John Travolta Reveals He Was Assigned 24/7 Scientology Minders After His Son Jett Died & He Was Reportedly Questioning His Faith | Radar Online

Danny Masterson Sounds Off on Scientology Movie, Says Haters Can "Go F–k Yourself"

Danny Masterson Sounds Off on Scientology Movie, Says Haters Can "Go F–k Yourself"

خليجيةDanny Masterson Sounds off on Scientology hatersCredit: Gregg DeGuire/WireImage
Tell us how you really feel! Former That ‘70s Show actor, and practicing Scientologist, Danny Masterson sounded off on critics of his religion in a candid (and expletive-filled) interview with Paper magazine conducted at the Sundance Film Festival ahead of the premiere of controversial ********ary Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief. Masterson, in short, told the mag that those who think his religion is “weird” can “go f–k” themselves.
PHOTOS: Fellow Scientologist Tom Cruise
"I heard about that ********ary; the ********ary where they interviewed eight people who hate Scientology. Should be pretty interesting. I wonder if Sundance would allow a ********ary of, like, eight people who hate Judaism. But you know, my religion’s fair game, I guess, ’cause it’s new," Masterson told the mag, before going in to detail about his religion and those who frown upon it.
"There’s basically like 200 lies in the book and so therefore he couldn’t even publish that book [in Canada or the UK because the libel laws],” he added, referring to Lawrence Wright’s book, which inspired the buzzed-about ********ary.
Masterson, who started practicing the religion at age 8, went on to explain that it’s hard to explain Scientology to those who haven’t read founder L. Ron Hubbard’s book Dianetics. Essentially, he says, “Everything in Scientology is just based on logic…the word Scientology means the study of knowledge.”
PHOTOS: Celebs fight back
“There’s nothing else to it,” he adds. “It’s literally just that.” When it comes to his “personal relationship” with founder Hubbard, Masterson candidly added: “He’s a f–king guy who wrote awesome s–t that I love studying.”
After explaining the roots of the religion, Masterson then got into the battle between Scientology and psychiatry, and, not to mention, former follower Paul Haggis, who left the church on account of gay marriage.
“You will not find a Scientologist who does not f–king hate psychiatrists,” he sounded off. “Because their solution for mental and spiritual problems is drugs. So let’s talk about putting a Band-Aid on something that’s just going to get worse and worse and worse…[where as] Scientology handles those things, those mental problems that people have. It gets rid of them. It gets rid of them by that person doing it for themselves. That’s the solution to depression, not f–king Prozac.”
As for Haggis, Masterson said his anger “had nothing to do with Scientology.”
PHOTOS: Sundance2020
“[It’s] so stupid. What Paul was angry at made perfect sense, but it had nothing to do with Scientology,” he explained. “Paul was just mad that, as a religion, we’re not going to come out and say that we are for or against anything, which is a political matter…It’s like, ‘We have no opinion in the world of politics. We are a religion.’”
The interview with the magazine was a first for Masterson, who said he had yet to openly discuss his philosophy before. But, it likely won’t be the last.
“I love doing it and have no problem doing it,” he concluded. "I work, I have a family and I’m a spiritual being who likes to understand why things happen in the world and want to learn more so that I can have them not affect me adversely. So if that’s weird, then, well, you can go f—k yourself

Read more: Danny Masterson to Scientology Haters: "Go F–k Yourself" – Us Weekly
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