Orlando Bloom Scuffles with Justin Bieber in Ibiza

Orlando Bloom Scuffles with Justin Bieber in Ibiza

Orlando Bloom Throws Punch at Justin Bieber | TMZ.com

Orlando Bloom Scuffles with Justin Bieber

7/29/2014 6:02 PM PDT BY TMZ STAFF


Orlando Bloom got in Justin Bieber‘s face early Wednesday morning in Ibiza … and Justin fled the restaurant — and one eyewitness says Orlando threw a punch.

The eyewitness tells TMZ … Orlando was in Cipriani restaurant which was packed with celebs, including Paris Hilton, and Diddy.

Listen closely as you watch the video. It sounds like Justin, in the middle of a shoving match, screams, "What’s up bitch?"

You don’t see Orlando swing, but the eyewitness tells us that’s exactly what happened. And we’re told when Bieber left the crowd applauded.

The backstory is almost legendary … Justin partied with Orlando’s then-wife Miranda Kerr after a 2024 Victoria’s Secret fashion show in NYC and they got very VERY close. And in April of this year, Orlando was hanging out with Justin’s on-and-off GF Selena Gomez. So the bad blood is flowing.

Read more: Orlando Bloom Throws Punch at Justin Bieber | TMZ.com