Victoria Sellers was convinced by a psychic to forgive her father, Peter Sellers

Victoria Sellers was convinced by a psychic to forgive her father, Peter Sellers

A psychic convinced me to forgive Dad: How Peter Sellers’s daughter came to terms with being left out of his £5.5 million will

  • When the Pink Panther star died of a heart attack in 1980, aged 54
  • He left the bulk of his £5.5 million fortune to his fourth wife, Lynne Frederick
  • Victoria was left just £800 – with a further £10,000 for her education

PUBLISHED: 01:51, 11 May 2024 | UPDATED: 04:33, 11 May 2024

Peter Sellers’s daughter has revealed how a visit to a psychic persuaded her to forgive the comedian after he apologised for excluding her from his will.

When the Pink Panther and Goons star died of a heart attack in 1980, aged 54, he left the bulk of his £5.5 million fortune to his fourth wife, Lynne Frederick, whom Victoria ‘loathed’ and Sellers was divorcing.

Victoria, his only child with his second wife Britt Ekland, was left just £800 – with a further £10,000 for her education.



Victoria with her father in Monte Carol in 1968. When the Pink Panther and Goons star died of a heart attack in 1980, aged 54, he left Victoria, his only child just £800

The actor’s estate, valued at £20 million today, ended up going to Frederick’s young daughter, Cassie Unger, the product of a later marriage to Californian heart doctor Barry Unger, after her mother drank herself to death in 1994.

It was only after Victoria, 49, visited a psychic last November that she came to terms with her father’s decision.

‘What happened was so profound I couldn’t ignore it,’ she said.
‘The guy didn’t know who I was. I went there with a folder, which I kept closed, which had a picture of me, Dad, my Swedish grandma and a couple of letters from my father written on his favourite Gucci notepaper.



Peter Sellers pictured with fourth wife Lynn Fredericks in 1978. He left the bulk of his £5.5¿million fortune to his fourth wife, Lynne Frederick, whom Victoria ¿loathed¿



Peter Sellers and Britt Ekland in 1964. Victoria, his only child with his second wife Britt



A scene from the film ‘The Pink Panther’ (1963) starring Peter Sellers

‘The medium said my father wanted to apologise. He said Dad was proud of me for surviving what I’d been through and that none of it had been meant to happen, that he was sorry.

‘People might think I’m nuts but it was what I needed to hear. After all these years it was time to let go of the anger. I sobbed my heart out.

‘I went home and took out photographs of him that I’d kept hidden away for years. I looked up and said, “It’s OK Dad, we’re good.” ’

Victoria rents a room in West Hollywood and works at a restaurant.

After a lifelong battle with alcohol and drug addiction, she has been clean for three years.
She has two half-siblings, Sarah and Michael, from her father’s first marriage to actress Anne Howe.

Sarah shuns the limelight, running a teddy bear shop in London, while Michael died in 2024, aged 52.

Victoria said: ‘They missed out on the legacy, too. Dad’s will didn’t just hurt me, it hurt the whole family. We never contested it because under British law you can only contest a will if you are left nothing. We were left a paltry amount.’

Victoria would like to come to an agreement with Ms Unger, who controls the Sellers fortune, including the rights to his ****.

She said: ‘Cassie can keep all Dad’s millions. All I want is the right to use my father’s ****. It belongs to us, his family. And there are home movies of me and Dad I’ve never seen. I’ve given up on wanting any money. But I’d love to see those movies.’

Read more: A psychic convinced me to forgive Dad: How Peter Sellers’s daughter came to terms with being left out of his £5.5 million will | Mail Online

Sophia Loren tells all about Cary Grant, Clark Gable, Peter Sellers & more

Sophia Loren tells all about Cary Grant, Clark Gable, Peter Sellers & more


Why she learned English: Carlo Ponti told her “you have to learn English, because movies are in English.”

Her friend Cary Grant: “ He was special person, a great actor, absolutely incredible as a person, as a man.”

Peter Sellers: “very melancholic person. He would light up only when the director said action.”

Clark Gable: “did his job, I liked him a lot. But he had a watch and it rang every evening at 5. When it rang, he would leave without saying goodbye.”

A story about Marlon Brando & Charlie Chaplin: When asked about Marlon Brando, she said, “Eh” with an expressive shrug …she admitted that initially the two didn’t get along. She recalled an incident when Charlie Chaplin and she were kept waiting by Brando on the set of “A Countess in Hong Kong.” She said Chaplin took Brando to task for the delay. “Marlon Brando didn’t have a very good voice, very small,” she said, and after being berated by Chaplin, “it went away.” Loren herself was famous for being on set early, Marshall said, but the actress said since it irritated people she’s modulated her arrival.

Marcello Mastrioanni: “Marcello was great, he was a funny actor, dramatic actor. Twenty years we did films together. He was a simple man. He loved to eat. All morning he talked about lunch and then the rest of the day about dinner.”

Being told to get a nose job in her early days: “I always tried not to listen to these people. They were saying that my nose was too long and my mouth was too big. It didn’t hurt me at all because when I believe in something, it’s like war. It’s a battle. But even Carlo said, “You know the cameramen, they say that your nose is too long. Maybe you have to touch it a little bit.” And I said, “Listen, I don’t want to touch nothing on my face because I like my face. If I have to change my nose, I am going back to Pozzuoli.” At that time, they used to do noses like a French nose with a little tip at the end — they liked that. Can you imagine me with a nose like that?

She struggled with fertility for a long time: “But then at the end, it happened … for a woman to be a mother, it’s the most beautiful thing in the world.”

Why she didn’t marry Cary Grant (he proposed to her when she was 19): Loren had a relationship with co-star and Hollywood heartthrob Cary Grant, who asked her to marry him. She chose Ponti, who was more than 20 years her senior, and remained married to him until his death in 2024. Because Loren had grown up poor and without a father, Ponti represented security, she said. “We trusted each other immensely, and we loved each other. And also … I never had a father. And for me, Carlo was also my father. So he was everything for me.”

[From ABC News, THR, Variety]

Cele|bitchy | Sophia Loren tells all about Cary Grant, Clark Gable, Peter Sellers & more